Saturday 19 August 2017

Chapter 14 Fellow Reporters

                “You’re a reporter from County S Tv Station? With your impressive physical skills, I thought you’re with the police.”
                Lee Wei was pleasantly surprised.
                She never in a million year would have guessed it was a fellow reporter that saved her life.
                “Right, no wonder I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere. We saw you down at the entrance”
                Jiang Shao, the cameraman piped up.
                Since the cameraman was used to dealing with people’s face, they had almost photographic memory when it comes to recognizing faces.
                Se Cai was an ordinary face among the crowd, the fact that Jiang Shao could remember him meant that he was either an extremely talented or experienced cameraperson.
                “Reporter Se is definitely something else. He not only saved you from Wang Da Fa, he also managed to dismantle the bomb. It’s thanks to his diligence and bravery that all of us are safe. In fact, I have half a mind to steal him from the Tv station to join the police bureau.”
                A crisp and joyful voice entered the room. It was Xie Wu.
                 Now that Se Cai had saved his life, his treatment of him had a 180 degree change. Previously, Xie Wu wouldn’t give Se Cai the time of day but now he was all smiles and praises.
                Compared to the situation on the roof, this was Xie Wu in his elements. Reading social cues, forming beneficial rapport and having an eye for talent, these were how he found himself to be the Politics and Legislative Commissioner.
                “Again, Commissioner Xie, you’re being too kind. If not for Commissioner Xie’s great handle over the situation, Wang Da Fa wouldn’t be taken down so easily. I’m sure any other trained policeman could do a better job than I did.”
                Se Cai exchanged politely.
                He wondered whether Xie Wu was serious about his offer. He would have jumped at the offer if it had happened a few days earlier.
                The police bureau was part of the government module. It paid better than Se Cai’s temp job at the tv station and had better job security. However, after gaining the Eye for News system, Se Cai had barely a shred of interest in the offer.
                He had the system now, why would he want to be in law enforcement?
                Xie Wu walked to his table with a commanding presence.
                He began apologetically, “Reporter Lee, I’m sorry for putting you in such compromising situation. The fault lies in my mishandling of my men, hopefully you’ll be gracious enough to forgive me.”
                “There’s no need for apology… It’s my fault as well for not listening to your advice.”
                Lee Wei shivered involuntarily when she thought back to how close she was to death.
                Furthermore, it was due to her being taken hostage that had spurred Gao Song to make a necessary appearance which then had thrown everyone’s lives into danger.
                “It’s no one’s fault because none of us could have predicted Wang Da Fa’s deranged mental state.”
                Xie Wu concluded diplomatically.
                All he had been doing after entering the room was test the waters. He knew he had failed to command the situation on the rooftop but such details could be changed or omitted depending on the news’ reporting angle.              
                After his exchanges with both Se Cai and Lee Wei, he knew the final news would be favorable. Both parties understood each other’s needs implicitly and certain things didn’t need to be said out loud.
                He then took from his breast pocket 2 gilded name cards and presented them sincerely to Se Cai and Lee Wei. He said earnestly, “I am indebted to both reporters today. Please accept my gratitude.”
                “This is too much, Commissioner Xie. We’re only doing our job.”
                Se Cai accepted the card and said hurriedly. It was only a piece of paper, but it felt exceptionally weighty in Se Cai’s hand.
                After all, the commissioner didn’t just give out his name card to anyone. Coupled with his words, this meant that the commissioner was saying he owed them a favor!
                A favor from the county commissioner! That certainly didn’t come easy.
                Lee Wei accepted the card as well but she didn’t seem to be affected by it much. She probably wouldn’t need Xie Wu’s favor since she was from the province news team,
                She then gave Se Cai a deep bow, adding, “Brother Se, no matter you’re a reporter or a policeman, the fact is you’ve saved my life and I wonder how I’ll ever repay that.”
                “Well, if Sister Lee doesn’t mind, could you add my name to the bylines when you finish the news?”
                Se Cai replied half-jokingly.
                “Of course, even if you didn’t ask, I already meant to do so. After all, I still need the photos and videos from your camera.”
                Lee Wei nodded, “I’ll come see you at County S Tv Station tomorrow. So please wait for me.”
                Se Cai was delighted that Lee Wei had agreed so easily.
                Having one’s name on the bylines signifies one’s ownership over the piece of news. If there are multiple contributors, the names are arranged from front to back, decreasing in contribution.
                If the news had Se Cai’s name, it meant that Se Cai had partial ownership. Province X Tv Station had to pay him writer’s remuneration.
                Of course the thing Se Cai was really eyeing for was the News Point.
                <Legal Frontline> was an extremely famous program. The impact this news would have would be ginormous. Having his name and pictures attached to it would ensure a great increase in News Point!
                “Our program will be on tonight so I have to rush back to prepare the script. If Commissioner Xie doesn’t mind, could I ask for a transport?”
                That reminded Se Cai of his own show. He left the newsroom before noon and it was almost 3. <Focus Tonight> aired at 6pm. Se Cai calculated he had just enough time to collect the video material and write his script.
                Unlike Lee Wei who can focus on her script writing because she had a whole team to support her, Se Cai had to handle both the writing and broadcasting ends of his news.
                One of the key elements in news is timeliness. No matter how big your news is, no one will be interested in yesterday’s news.
                Reporters have to make sure that their news is updated and fresh. This meant that for reporters from small stations like Se Cai’s, they had to crunch up their script and complete the news reel all before the broadcast.
                “No problem, I’ll get my driver to send you both.”
                Xie Wu offered as he noticed the sweat breaking on Se Cai’s face.

Next Chapter


Unknown said...

Please do not put many spaces before each paragraph. it is not comfortable. You can simply select all the text and adjust paragraph spacing

lonelytree said...

I'll try my best not to but since I'm copying and pasting from Microsoft Word, the indentation will become all weird... I'll try to be more careful next time.

anarnia said...

I think you can edit it into proper paragraph after you pasted it into the blogspot.

Anyway, Thanks.

Astolfo said...

Nice novel found it in novel updates.Btw if you don't have an editor to check the mistakes on the translation try your best man not having a good editor is annoying with all the editing after finishing translating :P .Try your best to put spaces :P Goodluck i'll propably keep this novel in my list to read :D

lonelytree said...

@GamingNerd, Thanks for the support :) Sadly I can't find an editor that is willing to help out of the kindness of his/her heart. This is not earning me anything after all. Again, thanks :D