Wednesday 23 August 2017

Chapter 24 Who is Zhang Xin Yu?

“I’ve sent a message to Gao Xiang but I’m not sure whether he read it or not. To be safe, let me call the cops…”
Se Cai took out his phone.
Xin Yu stopped him and said, “Please don’t call the police!”
Se Cai tossed her an enquiring gaze. She explained, “My father’s identity is a bit special. It might cause him some problems if the police’s involved. But don’t worry, I’ll send for aid now.”
Se Cai put down his phone and stared silently at Xin Yu.
Then, he asked, “Who are you and why is that mercenary after you?”
He thought back to what the mercenary had said.
If Blue Sky Rehab wanted to teach her a lesson, they wouldn’t need to hire a trained mercenary…
Furthermore, the man himself admitted he was only making use of the Blue Sky Rehab.
This Zhang Xin Yu must be hiding something, was his conclusion.
“I know you have many questions. I’ll answer them all when we’re safe.”
Xin Yu pleaded Se Cai with puppy-dog eyes, while hanging onto his arms.
“Fine, but you owe me an explanation!”
Se Cai sighed. He had some knowledge that Xin Yu was not a common citizen but he didn’t expect it to be so complicated.
After all, which common citizen would stumble into mercenaries and kidnapping?
“Sister Xu, I’m on the road leading to the northern part of town. I’m stranded and is in a bit of a pickle…”
Xin Yu borrowed Se Cai’s phone to make a call.
In less than 5 minutes, a black limo arrived at the scene.
“Miss, what happened to you?!”
A ponytailed woman in a black pant suit rushed out of the limo with an umbrella.
The woman was of a certain age and carried herself with a dignified air. She had that aura of maturity and grace that was attractive in her own way.
She took off her jacket and draped it over Xin Yu. Her face dimmed when she went to check the repose mercenary.
“He’s still breathing. I recognize him as a mercenary from the Cobra Syndicate. Miss, they’ve found your location!”
She then turned to Se Cai, “A job well done protecting Miss Xin Yu, are you one of the new bodyguards? Weird… I didn’t remember master telling me he hired new people.”
“Oh no, my name is Se Cai, I’m Xin Yu’s colleague not her bodyguard. The man there was really powerful, I was lucky because I managed to sneak up on him.”
Se Cai explained to this woman whom he believed was the Sister Xu that Xin Yu spoke to on his phone.
“Colleague? You must be kidding… The Cobra Syndicate are all trained men and women, you wouldn’t have the chance to sneak up on him, plus he’s carrying a gun!”
Sister Xu obviously wasn’t going to buy Se Cai’s explanation. She frowned, “Who are you and what’s your intention getting close to Miss Xin Yu?”
Se Cai didn’t look physically impressive in Sister Xu’s eyes. Therefore, he must be lying when he said he overpowered the man from Cobra Syndicate.
“Sister Xu, he’s not lying. He is really my colleague and including yesterday’s incident, he has saved me twice.”
Xin Yu pulled on Sister Xu’s arm to explain.
“You’re really mistaken. I entered County S Tv Station before she did, so how could you say I had an intention to get close to her?”
Se Cai retorted with a challenge. He was getting frustrated from being suspected of ill intent by everyone he met.
Sister Xu frowned deeper before turning to Xin Yu, “Miss, I’m sorry for not being there for you… But, now that this has happened, you have to stop with your little fun time playing an anchor, leave County S and follow me home.”
“Fine… Sister Xu, I understand. But can we please get to the house? I’m shivering here.”
Xin Yu pouted, “Plus, I’ve said many times. This is not a game, I’m serious about being a professional anchor! It’s my dream! You think everyone wants to take over dad’s business?”
“Miss, do you know how many people want to take over your father’s empire? You have got to start listening to the Old Master.”
Sister Xu sighed and went through this advice that she obviously had repeated many times.
“If so many people want it, let them have it!”
Xin Yu harrumphed and crawled into the limo.
She pulled down a window and waved at Se Cai, “Se Cai, come on. Don’t worry about the driver, Sister Xu will handle it.”
Se Cai hesitated because Sister Xu had made her hostility and suspicions against him pretty clear.
However, if he didn’t take this ride now, there won’t be another in perhaps forever since the stretch of road was truly in the middle of nowhere.
“Se Cai, I know you have many concerns but I promised I’ll explain it to you when we get home, didn’t I?”
After some deliberation, Se Cai accepted Xin Yu’s offer.
They rode in silence until they reached XY Residence.
XY Residence was as Se Cai remembered, tight in security. He was here last time to do a less than favorable reporting on one of its residents but no matter how hard he tried to wheedle in, the guards wouldn’t let him.
After they descended from the limo, Xin Yu gave a small yelp when she saw her reflection in the entrance mirror. She grabbed a towel handed to her by one of the maids and rushed upstairs.
“I’m going to take a bath, Sister Xu could you help me entertain Se Cai…”
Her voice trailed off as she disappeared from view.
Sister Xu nodded. She ordered a maid to bring over a towel before she asked Se Cai to join her on the living room sofa.
“Mr. Se, please take a seat. I would like to thank you for saving our Miss’ life.”
She took a deep breath, pulled a box of cigarette from her coat and offered one to Se Cai. She continued, “Let me first introduce myself. I’m Xu Jin Feng, Miss Xin Yu’s governess and personal bodyguard.”
“I’ve guessed as much. If only you were there today. But now, I just want to know… well, what is all this?”
Se Cai gestured at the room. The living room was decorated with a grand Baroque design. There was a glittering chandelier that gave an illustrious shine to every object in the room.
He glanced at the plush sofa and his muddy attire. He accepted the towel to clean his hair and shrugged. He remained standing.
With an embarrassed smile, he returned the towel that had become covered with brown streaks.
“Sorry about that… but what brand is this, it’s so absorbent.”
Se Cai tried for a small talk to defuse the building awkwardness.
“Miss has a preference for plush towel. This is an Abyss’ towel, they are hand-stitched from lamb wool.”
Sister Xu received the towel with a frown. She continued in a serious tone, “Mr. Se, I’m sure you’ve noticed our miss is not your typical anchorwoman by now. She is the heir to the Xuan Wu Group, daughter to its CEO, Mr. Zhang Chang Sheng. The mercenary today should come from his political or business enemy.”
Sister Xu deliberated before adding, “You didn’t hear this from me but rumors say that when Old Master was starting out, he was involved in some bootlegging deals. He had to burn some bridges. That is probably why miss is being targeted.”
“Xuan Wu Group, Zhang Chang Seng?”
Se Cai repeated the 2 names that sounded awfully familiar.
“You mean the Turtle King!”
Suddenly, everything clicked for Se Cai. Zhang Chang Seng was a known figure but he was more commonly known by his nickname, the Turtle King.
The moniker was inspired by the field Chang Seng was involved in. He started his empire at a small fishing village in County S with a turtle breeding pond.
No one had high hopes on such an unconventional business venture but it proved to be a dark horse.
Being unconventional meant Chang Seng had a monopoly over the turtle breeding business which was unexpectedly large. He had livestock like grass tortoises for its meat and novelty species like the Golden Coin Turtle and Aldabra giant tortoise to attract the collectors. He sought out beneficial collaborations with the food as well as travel industry and his business eventually grew to one of the biggest business in the country.
Now, Zhang Chang Seng was a Province X Senator. He was worth about several billions in stocks and investments.
Se Cai had always held an admiration for him because he represented an important motto, you could be successful with enough dedication and hard work.
He didn’t expect Zhang Xin Yu to be the daughter of such an eminent business mogul. She certainly had hid it well.
It hit Se Cai why Xin Yu was reluctant to take over the family mantle.
If Xin Yu took over his father’s business, she would have to succeed his father’s moniker… She would be called Turtle Queen or Turtle Princess…
In our society which relied heavily on first impression, it was little wonder why she didn’t want to assume her father’s business. Which sensible, fashionable young woman would want a nickname like that?


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

What a reason ���� and that mercenaries and stuff lol xD

Bunbun said...

Thanks for the chapter!~

lonelytree said...

For what it's worth, I too feel this Xin Yu arc is one of the weakest arc of the story. The whole thing felt pretty forced for me too XD But bear with me here, the story is going to pick up after this arc.

Anonymous said...

Oki sir*-*