Wednesday 16 August 2017

Chapter 3 Mind-reading

                “With my current 103 News Point, should I trade for this mind-reading skill?”
                Se Cai thought to himself.
                His choices were the mind-reading unit or the storage unit. Since he felt storing items in his eye was too awkward, and he didn’t really need such a skill, he opted for the other available choice.
                “Trade successful.”
                After Se Cai’s confirmation, the voice announced in his mind. Instinctually, he felt his brain gained something extra.
                “I’ve been a reporter for almost a year and had published multiple news but those only added up to 103 points? This system sure is stingy.”
                Se Cai realized trading for the mind-reading skill had almost cleaned his collected News Point.
                If this was how things would go, it would be another year before he could trade for another item.
                “Having a lead news only nabs me 10 News Point, I’m sure normal news will get me less. I’ll have to work harder to get my hands on those other goodies.”
                In any case, the appearance of this mysterious system took his mind off his unfortunate incident and Se Cai was itching to try his new mind-reading skill out.
                Regrettably, Gao Xiang wasn’t around and there was no else in the room.
                Right then, a series of footsteps sounded outside his room. Based on the commotion, it appeared to be quite a large group. Then, their conversation wafted into Se Cai’s ears.
                “The sickbay ahead should be his. The damn reporter himself asked for it by meddling in our business…”
                “Yup, all the reporters are the same, every one of them has that punchable face!”
                “Shut it, you two. There are ears behind these walls. Later, you guys just stand quietly while I talk to the guy. After all, he’s already a dead man for crossing our Headmaster Wang!”
                The person behind this last sentence had a nasally accent and had a commanding presence because he shut down the whole gang with just one sentence.
                Then, the corridor door opened with a creak. The sound of footsteps came closer and closer.
                The nasally voice reminded Se Cai of something, then it dawned on him, “I recognize this voice when the thugs was assaulting me in front of the Blue Sky Rehab! But why are they here… Could they possibly dare to create a scene at a hospital?”
                Then the door to his room opened to reveal a gang of people.
                A well-groomed, obese middle-aged man walked in first. Based on the person’s bulging stomach, Se Cai was even more sure that this man was there at the Blue Sky Rehab.
                Behind the man was a sizeable crowd and in a matter of seconds, his room was full.
                “You’re Se Cai from County S Tv Station?”
                 The man offered in lieu of greetings, “You can call me Wong, I’m the manager for Blue Sky Rehab’s security office. Previously, we mistook our reporter friend here for a thief, we’re so very sorry!”
                The man’s mouth curved into a smile and took from his briefcase a credit card. He set it on Se Cai’s bedside table, adding, “Of course Blue Sky Rehab will provide full cooperation for the media’s investigative needs. As way of apology, our headmaster Wang would like to pay for Mr Se’s medical expenses… The password for this card here is 8888-8888… Please take this as a form of repayment and accept our apology.”
                Se Cai was startled by his effusive apology. This money coupled with promise of systemization, the people at Blue Sky Rehab really didn’t want this news out.
                Se Cai thought to say, “You think you can buy my silence with such pittance?” but he swallowed it.
                The man had been nothing but courteous but Se Cai understood the underlying threat. At the end of the day, he was only a temp reporter, there was no way he could win this.
                Se Cai smothered his anger and forced a smile, “Headmaster Wang is being too kind. I’m sure it’s all just a misunderstanding, plus the injury’s not serious because I’m leaving the hospital tomorrow…”
                “It’s wonderful that you’re being so understanding. I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery…”
                The man smiled kindly as he moved to pat Se Cai on his shoulder.
                “Something’s wrong!”
                Se Cai was alarmed. The man was acting too courteous… and what about the things he said out in the corridor?
                He suspected the man had hidden intentions.
                “If only I can read his mind… Wait, I can!”
                And wasn’t this the perfect situation for an experiment?
                A row of shining paragraph appeared above the man’s forehead, it said, “This dude must have forgotten who our boss is. The money’s to buy one of his arms! Headmaster has already bribed the doctor to tweak his medicine so he’ll no longer hold a camera again in his life. Next will be that reporter bitch. These people need to be taught a lesson!”
                Se Cai expected as much but to have the man’s actual thought exposed still came as a shock.
                “Alright, young man, rest well and remember to cooperate with the doctor. Our headmaster would like to invite you for lunch when you’re out of the hospital. He would like to personally apologize.”
                Unknown to the fact that his inner thoughts had already been exposed, the man kept up his cheerful charade before retreating out of the room.
                Using his super hearing, Se Cai picked up on the rest of the conversation that continued outside his room, “Stupid reporter! Didn’t he realize he is literally nothing if compared to our boss?! Boys, this is the power of our boss… With just one order, he could make this reporter’s life miserable, stripping him of his livelihood!”
                “F*ck, these people are unbelievable!”
                Se Cai slapped his bedside table angrily, knocking over the water glass that sat on it.
                Its alleged forceful detention aside, the Blue Sky Rehab had assaulted reporters, and even bribed the hospital. Was there still law in the world?
                It was not hard to believe the rehab’s closet to be filled with skeletons.
                Se Cai had the heart to topple this Headmaster Wang and his supporter, the department head Wang Run Fa but he was only a lowly temp reporter. He could barely save himself much less pose a threat to others.
                He was lucky to have escaped this tragedy with the aid of the mind-reading skill but what about next time?
                “If all else fails, I’ll expose this evil rehab on the provincial city station news or even the central news, we’ll see where you hide then!”
                Se Cai swore fervently.
                Town Z belonged to the jurisdiction of County S. As powerful as County S’ PR Department, its stranglehold didn’t reach beyond the county’s news stations. If the news was brought to the provincial level, then even department head Wang couldn’t suppress it.
                Se Cai though knew this was a dream. The only way news from County S could reach the central news was through Town Z of County S’ city news then Provincial X’s provincial news and then only finally the central news. And there were gatekeepers every step of the way.
                Therefore, unless all the producers from County S went blind, there was no way a small producer from Town Z would purposely cross the County PR Department head.
                Right then, a crisp ding crossed Se Cai’s mind. It was followed by the familiar male voice, and another row of shiny paragraph.
                “Acquired news lead, accept new assignment? Assignment objective: Expose Blue Sky Rehab on Tv. Completion rewards: 200 News Point and 1 Rank E Authorization.”
                “This thing even gives out assignments?”
                A surprised Se Cai blurted. This system reminded him more and more of an online game.
                However, his attention was quickly grabbed by the 200 News Point. That amount was greater than the total of 103 points he had collected over a year!
                The attraction was definitely there!

Next Chapter

1 comment:

Bunbun said...

Thanks for the chap lonely tree