Thursday 17 August 2017

Chapter 5 Back to Work

     Di Di Di...
      A cellphone that sat on the bedside table shattered the silence of the room. A hand stretched out from underneath the bed covers to snatch the phone.
      Se Cai pulled himself up and peered at the screen.
      The caller ID was none other than the producer of <Focus Tonight>, Director Bai Hai Dong.
      Director Bai just turned 30 that year but he had joined the County Tv Station as an intern since he was 19. He had a passable looks and was the friendliest of all the station directors. He treated his subordinates like friends and always had a smile to greet the world.
      Therefore, it came as a surprise for Se Cai when he heard Director Bai argued with the station manager on his behalf. Director Bai failed to demand justice for Se Cai but he did end up winning Se Cai’s utmost respect and admiration.
      “Director Bai, hello,” Se Cai coughed after he picked up the phone.
      “Xiao Se [Xiao means small, Xie Se is a term of endearment], nice to hear from you. I intend to visit you today but Gao Xiang told me you were already discharged yesterday afternoon. Are you sure you’re feeling fully rested?” Hai Dong intoned in his local accent, “Don’t leave early just to save the medical bills. I’ve given the station most of my youth, the least they can do is to pay your medical bills. Just send me your bills and I’ll get them reimbursed for you.”
      “I can cover the bills myself, Director Bai, thanks anyway.”
      Se Cai didn’t want to trouble Director Bai because he knew the company’s medical benefits didn’t extend to cover the temps. The fact that Director even cared to suggest so was good enough for Se Cai.
      “Se Cai, you’re part of my production team so I swear I’ll fight tooth and nail for you.”
                Director Bai paused before continuing in a disappointed tone, “Who am I kidding? You must have heard already, the best I can get the station to do for you was to script you into the system… I’m sorry. But please take this opportunity to rest. There’s no need to rush back to work.”
                “Really, Direction Bai, I’m doing just fine.” Se Cai said appreciatively, “I still have a few scripts to finish at work plus I have no close families or friends in County S, instead of staring at my room’s four walls, I'd rather head to work.”
                Of course, Se Cai’s true intention was to finish the script so that they can get published and earn himself some News Point.
                “Xiao Se, you’ve got to learn how to take it slow… Fine, I’ll allow you to come in for the day but please take care of your health,” Director Bai advised before cutting off.
                Se Cai put down his phone and felt his heart warmed.
                He knew the phone call was perfunctory but he didn’t mind it in the least.
                After all, it was Director Bai who helped him secure this rented house when he first arrived at County S with no one to turn to. Now, it was again Director Bai who stood against the station manager for his behalf.
                Se Cai rushed in and out of the bathroom. On his way to the Tv Station, he bought a bun to munch on.
                County S wasn’t at all big so Se Cai’s rented apartment was only 10 minutes away from the Tv Station.
                “Oh my, isn’t that the great hero that save our star anchorwoman? Why are you at work? People might think County S Tv Station are exploiting its workers.”
                A gangly teen who had a camera in his hand said snidely as Se Cai stepped through the station entrance. He was in casual wear, sporting a white T-shirt, army-print slacks and a pair of fashionable sneakers.
                The teen was Xu Ran, County S Tv Station’s Vice Manager Xu’s son. It was an open secret that he got his job only through his father’s connection. He had no official role and was initially part of the broadcasting team by name.  
                He voluntarily asked for a transfer to <Focus Tonight>’s team when Zhang Xin Yu arrived. Even the blind could see his intention.
                Xin Yu though paid him no mind, barely acknowledging his existence. Now that Se Cai had saved Xin Yu, he had inadvertently stepped on Xu Ran’s tail.
                Se Cai understood the open hostility but since he had no intention of having any relationship with Xin Yu, he decided to ignore the man.
                “Xiao Se, how are you? Are you still hurting?”
                A female voice behind Xu Ran asked concernedly.
                The voice belonged to Huang Xi. The girl looked young in her sharp bob, small stature and professional suit. In reality, she was reaching 30, one of the founders of <Focus Tonight>.
                “Thanks for asking, Sister Huang. I’m fully recovered.”
                Se Cai smiled.
                “That’s good to know. When we visited you, you were still unconscious and the doctor said there was internal bleeding in your head. It looked worse than when I was in the hospital… You surely gave us a fright.”
        It sounded like Huang Xi had her own run-in with thugs before. Of course, it was not uncommon for reporters on society beat to run into altercations. However, things tended to be on the lighter side… Se Cai’s incident was one of the heavier isolated cases.
                “Good morning, Director Bai. Any assignments for me today?”
                Se Cai asked with a smile as he waltzed into the newsroom.
                Sitting in the deepest corner of the room was a short, stocky man wearing a black-rimmed glasses. This was Bai Hai Dong, the producer and news director for <Focus Tonight>.
                Director Bai had in his hand a memo pad and was in the middle of a discussion with Gao Xiang that sat beside him.
                “Xiao Se, you’re here! Remember to take it easy. We’re just in the middle of a morning meeting,” Hai Dong replied as he lifted his head to smile at Se Cai, then he added with concern, “You’re still recovering, so I’m not going to give you any outstation assignment. Just stay at your table and finish your scripts.”
        The phone that sat in front of Director Bai was their program’s hotline. People called in to offer news leads or tips. It was during morning meeting that Director Bai delegates his people to follow up on these leads.
                “No, Director Bai. My body’s fine so just treat it as any other day. Plus, I understand that the station’s running low on staff…”
                Se Cai said pleadingly.
                There were still some healing bruises on his body but Se Cai couldn’t wait to go out and earn some more News Point, to expand the features on his Eye for News system.
                Furthermore, there was truth to what Se Cai said. The station was running low on staff. Their program team had few contributors, not counting Hai Dong the producer and Xin Yu the host, there were only 5 reporters.
        If he was set off work, they would have to ask other program teams for help.
                “Don’t stress yourself, Xiao Se. Yes, the station’s low on staff but not until the stage where it needs to exploit the sick. So just stays put and finishes your script.”
                Hai Dong shook his head before turning to address the room, “that’s all the assignments for today. If you have any additional leads, now is the time to share. We might have a hotline but as a reporter, we must keep our eyes peeled because news can happen anywhere...”
                 “Sorry, Director Bai. We have nothing…” the room echoed.
                With their assignments readily handed to them, who would be so hardworking to find additional work for themselves? This was why there’s a saying that goes, human are born lazy.


lonelytree said...

Hopefully you'll enjoy reading this story but honestly I find it a bit discouraging when you slog through 4 chapters in 2 days just to receive a negative reception [talking about 3 1-star review on novelupdate :(] without any reason. At least let me know what's wrong. Sorry if I'm being annoying, I just really like this book myself to see it ill-received like this.

Sarg said...

Dont take it to heart buddy.
That's the curse of every rating system. You'll always find people who are super polarized. Either they like it and rate 5, or if its not to their taste, they rate 1.

Honestly I havent given it a rating yet because its too soon, but so far its looking great

Unknown said...

Idiots who give a rating after reading just four chapters are blind, deaf and suffering from diarrhea so just ignore them the rating only matters from people who have read at least 20-25 chapters as that is usually when the first small arc ends and world backgroud is consolidated.

Unmotivated Leo said...

As the Unknown guy said. Honestly don't care about the rating right now, just keep going the translation in your pace and as you like. When you have at least the first arc/mini arc done you can take a look about the reviews.
Honestly I never rate or write critics about novels, but FYI, the novel untill now is pretty decent and the set up is popular but still interesting.

Keep going õ///


Anonymous said...

Just ignore those ratings. Some people give 1 stars if it's not their favorite genre, i.e. wuxia or xuanhuan just to push down the possibility of another genre becoming popular.

Liu Yan said...

Good Luck!!