Saturday 19 August 2017

Chapter 11 The Hidden Threat

                The white suit wearing female reporter had her hair up in a brisk ponytail. Her hands were tightly wound around a microphone as she took her steps forward beside Commissioner Xie.
                They stopped at about 5 to 6 meters away from the jumper, just enough to make sure his voice was recorded but not too close to alarm him.
                “Hello, I’m Lee Wei from Province X Tv Station’s <Legal Frontline>. Mr. Da, Commissioner Xie had told me about your plight but do you mind explaining it further for the camera?”
                Le Wai said consolingly as she inched slightly forward.
                Her voice was soft but charismatic, the kind that was perfect for broadcast.
                “Yes, you listen to me… I was out for dinner with my wife and son about a month ago. When we arrived at the intersection in front of our apartment, a Cayenne Porsche suddenly sped round the corner. I instinctually pulled my family towards the sidewalk to avoid collision with the car. But the car suddenly veered and rammed into my wife and son. The street was covered with skid marks of their blood but did the car driver stop? No, he didn’t not! And I’ll never forget its plates as it sped cowardly away, it was 88888, Gao Song’s car!”
                Wang Da Fa started to break down, “Gao Xung was drunk driving and killed my family and the sentence he got? 20000 RMB fine! What is that going to do? Can the money buy my family back?!”
              “Are you sure he was drunk driving? According to traffic law, his sentence should be more than just monetary fine.”
                Lee Wei’s keen news sense sniffed out the inconsistency in Wang Da Fang’s story.
                “I’m sure! Who drives like that sober? Also why else would he report to the police only the next day? He must have been waiting for the alcohol to disperse! And he even pushed his driver to take blame for him. I saw it clearly that day, it was Gao Song who was behind the driver seat not his driver. You think I would mistake the person that killed my family?”
                Lee Wei nodded along to his explanation, then she added, “I believe you. I can’t imagine the sadness you’re going through right now but I’m sure your wife and son wouldn’t want to see you this way right? They certainly wish to have you move on and live a fuller life on their behalf, wouldn’t you agree?”
                “No! As long as Gao Song is not brought to justice, I’ll never be able to move on! If he’s truly innocent, why wouldn’t he dare come up and confront me?” Wang Da Fa screamed in her face.
                Lee Wei snuck a look at Commissioner Xie, asking about Gao Song’s conditions. The latter shook his head imperceptibly, whispering, “We can’t bring Gao Song up here. The jumper’s too unstable.”
                “Reporter lady, as you can see, the law can’t help me so you’re my only hope. My wife is… was <Legal Frontline>’s loyal viewer, I beg you to air her story and help bring justice to her death.”
                Wang Da Fa wiped the tears from his eyes, and then took in a deep breath in an effort to collect himself. He uttered as calm as he could, “Lady, can you pass me the microphone? I would like to say my last words if you’ll allow it. So please make sure the sound and picture’s clear.”
                “Brother Wang, please listen to me. You still have a long future ahead of you. We’ll gladly record what you have to say but please don’t say it’s your last words.”
                Lee Wei advised as she made to move forward. Commissioner Xie grabbed hold of her before she could do so, whispering violently, “Wang Da Fa is too unstable, it’ll be too dangerous for you to get any closer!”
                Lee Wei smiled and shook her head, “Don’t worry, I’m an experienced legal beat reporter. I’m sure I can handle this. Plus the wind up here is blurring the recording of his voice. This is for the sake of a good news but at the end of the day, it is also to save a life. Rejecting his request might push him over the edge.”
                Se Cai nodded in agreement. He too would have done the same thing if he was in the female reporter’s shoes.
                However, Se Cai noticed Lee Wei’s legs were shaking. He suspected she was only putting on a brave front.
                But can she truly be blamed? She had to negotiate with a suicide attempter by the edge of a tall building, who wouldn’t be afraid?
                “Please be careful and try to keep him occupied. The firemen are standing by. They’re waiting for the right moment to strike.”
                Deputy Director Wong offered silently.
                He had reservations about the reporter’s decision, he had a sneaking feeling in his gut that Wang Da Fa’s intention wasn’t just to talk to the reporter that simple, but since his superior had allowed it, what else could he do?
                Lee Wei acknowledged Deputy Director Wong’s advice wordlessly. She took one slow step after another until she was only 1 meter away from Wang Da Fa.
                Pushing her microphone forward, she said with a bright smile, “Alright, brother Wang, I’m here as you asked. Is there anything you want me to relay to the public security bureau? I have faith that they’ll ensure ultimately justice prevails.”
                “Can you come closer? I would like to hold the mic, like how I see the celebrities do it on Tv…”
                Wang Da Fa leaped back from the railing and stared at the microphone in Lee Wei’s hand. He seemed ready to move forward and grab it but suddenly he sneered. He saw the 2 police officers trying to sneak towards them. He yelled, “Get back the two of you! I only need the reporter lady here! After I’ve spoken my mind, I’ll surrender freely. But, if you try anything funny before then, I swear I’ll jump!”
                “Brother Wang, please talk to me. I’m sorry but I can’t grant your previous request because it’s normally the interviewer that holds the mic. It’ll look weird for you to be holding it. How about I come closer? Will that work?”
                Lee Wei smiled and exchanged an eye contact with her cameraman before taking one more step forward.
                “Something’s wrong with this Wang Da Fa…”
                Se Cai observed. His instinct told him Wang Da Fa was acting too weirdly.
                “I suppose it’s wouldn’t hurt to read his mind…”
                “I’m such a failure… I only cared for myself and didn’t even think to pull my family along with me or else they would have lived… I’m sorry, honey. I promise I’ll come apologize to you personally after I’ve taken care of Gao Song that bastard!
                And the bomb I’ve hidden to by the air duct will help me accomplish that. The moment Gao Song appears, I’ll take all of us out with a blast! But that coward doesn’t have the guts to come face me. Never mind… I’ll force him out by taking one of these people here as hostage. The two officers will be too troublesome but this female reporter will do nicely!”
                Se Cai was beside himself with shock when he learnt of Wang Da Fa’s true intention. He wasn’t expecting the man to be so vicious!
                Se Cai scanned his surroundings more attentively and quickly spotted an inconspicuous brown paper bag in the space between the air duct and the rooftop floor. Se Cai believed this was the bomb Wang Da Fa was referring to.
                At that moment, Wang Da Fa made to take the microphone but leaped one full step ahead!
                Lee Wei only managed to let out a yelp before Wang Da Fa had her in his chokehold and dragged back to the building’s edge.
                “Nobody moves! Or I’ll bring her with me!”