Monday 21 August 2017

Chapter 18 Did you Cheat?

[First an apology. I made a mistake in my previous translation. The Publicity/Multimedia Department should be translated as Public Relations Department. Corrections have been done. Again, I apologize.]

Hai Dong’s face fell.
He was familiar with Station Manager Wei’s modus operandi after so many years at the tv station. He couldn’t fathom this ending well for Se Cai.
He stood up in a hurry, adding, “Station Manager, let me do the preliminary examination. I’ll pass it to you after I’m done.”
Se Cai didn’t have any experience working on a news this big before, he didn’t know the script had to be corrected multiple times before it could be sent to the central station.
Se Cai had completely his script in less than 10 minutes. That showed utter disrespect for his work and that was Station Manager Wei’s biggest taboo.
Station Manager Wei started from the bottom as a reporter. He only reached his position after decades of hard work. He treated his profession with utmost respect and demanded the same of everyone else.
He was infamous in the tv station for his difficult to meet high expectations.
“Xiao Bai, you know that I have full faith in you but we both understand how important this script is, so just leave it to me.”
Manager Wei strode to Se Cai’s side, pulled a chair and sat down.
With a heavy heart, Hai Dong moved to the seat the Manager Wei had left empty beside him.
“Se Cai doesn’t have a journalism-related degree and has only been here less than a year so please…”
Hai Dong trailed off. It would reflect badly on him as the program producer if his men were found lacking.
Hai Dong made a mental note to conduct extra review meetings in the near future to raise the professional level of his team.
Manager Wei didn’t reply. He picked up a red ball pen and flicked through the newly printed script.
He was a traditionalist, he preferred to do the editing on paper rather than on the computer.
The pen hovered over the script dangerously. Manager Wei made to move in on multiple occasions to write something but every time, he stopped and shook his head instead.
Hai Dong was perplexed watching this unfold. He expected Manager Wei to have a field day with Se Cai’s rushed script.
Even his own handiwork would come back riddled with red correction marks, noting the faults in punctuation, spelling and flow.
Once more Manager Wei tried to correct something but he stopped in mid-motion.
Hai Dong’s interest was piqued. He leaned in closer to scan Se Cai’s script and was dumbfounded.
It was unlike anything Se Cai had done before. All the mistakes he had come to expect from Se Cai was gone, and the piece flowed with impressive eloquence. It captured perfectly the fright and indignation surrounding the event.
It was a textbook sample.
“Xiao Se, I couldn’t find an error if I wanted to, and trust me I want to. I’m mighty impressed. Send it over to the central news as it is. But next time, please mind us old folks and use a bigger font size, would you?”
Manager Wei set his pen down and said. He fixed Se Cai with a dubious gaze.
As the station manager, he knew the general standard of his every reporter. Their standard, as befitting the county station level was on a low average, especially the reporters from <Focus Tonight>. He knew Hai Dong had tried his best but he still frowned every time a script from <Focus Tonight>’s reporters landed on his desk.
However, Se Cai’s script had overshot his expectation. It didn’t read at all like a script written by an amateur reporter!
“F*ck, you surely have cheated somehow, haven’t you?”
After Manager Wei left, Xu Ran stalked over angrily. He snatched Se Cai’s script and scanned it. Even he had to admit defeat. It was as Manager Wei said, perfect.
“Well done, Se Cai! I didn’t know you could write so well! Looks like you have been biding your time, waiting for an important news to unleash your true talent.”
Hai Dong slapped Se Cai on his shoulder and laughed heartily.  
“Nah, Director Bai. Somehow, the words just came easier today.”
Of course, Se Cai had no intention of revealing his Eye for News system, he added smilingly, “But, Director Bai, if there’s any more important script in the future, would you please pass them to me? I promise I won’t let you down!”
“Best if they’re lead news or headlines,” Se Cai continued in his mind, “that way he would earn the News Point faster!”
“Finish this news first and we’ll see. We still have 40 minutes til broadcast, bring your script to Zhang Xin Yu and work with her on the voiceover. Be careful to make no mistake! In the meantime, I’ll help you contact the province city station’s liaison department.”
Hai Dong passed the script over the Se Cai and pointed at the dubbing studio.
Embarrassing flashbacks from earlier entered Se Cai’s mind and he hedged, “Do I really need to be there personally…? I’m sure Director Bai has full faith in Zhang Xin Yu’s performance quality, me being there will only distract her.”
“Cut the crap. I’m giving you a good chance here, Xu Ran would have killed to take your place!” Hai Dong said with a wink.
“Yes, I go. I’ll gladly replace Se Cai!”
Xu Ran sprung up like an eager rabbit and volunteered earnestly.
If Se Cai wouldn’t embrace the opportunity of spending some precious alone time with the beauty, Zhang Xin Yu, he was more than willing to take his place.
“We don’t have time for all these nonsense. I’m the producer here so listen to me. Xu Ran, you stay to finish prepare the newsreel materials so that everything’s ready to go when the voiceover’s completed!”
Hai Dong ordered in his strictest tone.
Having Xu Ran alone with Zhang Xin Yu would truly distract the anchorwoman. Hai Dong wasn’t that dumb to sabotage such an important piece of news.
Xu Ran sat back down resentfully but before he faded out of sight, he glared warningly at Se Cai.  

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