Tuesday 22 August 2017

Chapter 21 A Trap

That night, County S Tv Station stood like a solitary bulwark against the heavy rain.
Even though the broadcast was over, it didn’t mean that everything was done. Many people, Se Cai included still hustled about the station.
It was a general belief that a reporter’s day ends with the broadcasting of news and for the most time, that was true.
However, for unique cases like when there was important news, the program team had to stay after initial broadcast to cut and edit the film for reruns.
The reruns were for the station higher-ups that were perhaps too busy to catch the initial broadcast. This was beneficial for both because the program team thus had time to correct the mistakes found during initial broadcast.
“Everyone must be tired after such a long day, tonight’s supper on me.”
A tired-sounding Hai Dong announced after the work was all wrapped up.
“It’s raining so heavily tonight. Thank you, Director Bai but count me out.”
Se Cai said, rubbing his overworked eyes.
Se Cai actually had been given early leave for his impressive contribution but he had volunteered to stay to replace the pregnant Editor Zao.
He was physically tired but was mentally excited because a fresh harvest of News Point was coming in.
If his previous lead news in the county station nabbed him 10 points, he expected more from this piece that headed at least to the province station.
Se Cai might still be treating everything like a game but subtly his perception of his job had changed.
Before this, Se Cai entered the journalistic world because he admired the elegance and grandeur of the anchor but after realizing the harsh reality, his interest towards his job was slowly eroded.
However, thanks to the Eye for News system, perhaps not even to his knowledge, his initial passion was reignited!
“I too shall be leaving, I’m tired.”
Xin Yu added. She only stayed because there was correction to the voiceover.
After a long day of repeating the same script over and over again, she was no less tired than anyone else.
“Alright, you two be careful on the way home then.”
Hai Dong patted Se Cai on his shoulder before venturing out to the corridor for a cigarette break.
He had been hankering for one for quite some time since the newsroom was a no-smoking zone.
“Uber is quite fantastic, I must say. There’s still driver service so late at night.”
Se Cai observed after flipping open his vibrating cellphone. If not for the incident that morning, Se Cai would have asked Xin Yu who drove to work for a ride. Of course, there was the consideration of their different genders. Since Xin Yu didn’t offer, it would be too forward for Se Cai to ask.
Se Cai waved smilingly at Xin Yu before darting out the door.
The rain outside continued pouring while Se Cai scoured the office corridor for an umbrella. His only find was a semi-broken umbrella that had the word “X Realtors” printed on it. Few of its skeletal frames were already broken but he was in no position to choose.
Se Cai braved the weather to get to his ordered car. With just 2 steps, he was already soaking wet.
“So freaking cold, sir, please get me to 105, XX Street.”
Se Cai slammed the door hurriedly and said.
“Who are you?”
The driver had on a baseball cap and sunglasses. He asked rather rudely when Se Cai got in the car.
“I called Uber, your car plate is PL0523 right?”
Se Cai pulled out his phone to show the man.
“I’m sorry but you got the wrong car, please get down.”
The driver replied in a rigid tone.
“Driver sir, couldn’t you just do me a favor? It’s already so late and it’s raining…”
Se Cai begged while passing the driver a cigarette reverentially.
One of Se Cai’s seniors tipped him off to the importance of cigarettes in social conventions. Oftentimes, it can be used as a relationship lubricant. Therefore, even though Se Cai didn’t smoke, he always had a handy pack of cigarettes in his pocket.
“When I said no, I mean no. You’re not my designated passenger…”
The driver didn’t even move to accept Se Cai’s offer.
“How about I double the fare… Please, driver sir, I’m begging you here…”
Se Cai pleaded with a helpless expression.
Humans are realistic creatures. As a reporter, Se Cai had seen plenty examples of human greed. He believed this was ultimately what the man wanted.
Se Cai knew he shouldn’t usurp someone else’s ride but he was tired and wet, he just wanted to get home and take a warm bath.
“This is not a matter of money!”
The driver retorted with more than a hint of impatience in his voice.
Se Cai’s frustration turned into anger.
“Why are you acting like this? We’re all paying customers, right? What’s the difference between me and your caller who isn’t even here!”
Agitated, Se Cai used his mind-reading power to get into this man’s mind.
“Boss ordered me to kidnap the female anchor but this fella here is making my life miserable. I swear if he doesn’t get out in the next minute, I’m going to shoot him and shove him in the trunk…”
Se Cai’s face blanched. That was certainly not what he was expecting. Then, the door opened.
A woman scurried into the car, permeating it with her perfume.
“It’s you?”
A shocked Se Cai asked.
 “Wait, why are you here? This is car number PL0523, isn’t it?”
The woman wore a white T-shirt and carried a blue handbag. It was Zhang Xin Yu.
Xin Yu too had fallen victim to the rain. Her white T-shirt was drenched and Se Cai could see the pink outline of the clothing underneath… The pattern seemed awfully familiar.
 I thought it was a phase but it seemed like she’s in love with loli-style bras, the thought popped into Se Cai’s mind before he shook it out.
Se Cai quickly shifted his eyes away. He coughed, “You already have a car, don’t you? Why are you fighting with people like myself who doesn’t have that luxury?”
Se Cai put 2 and 2 together and understood the female anchor the man was thinking about must be Zhang Xin Yu.
He most likely was up to no good. Se Cai suspected he was one of the lackeys from Blue Sky Rehab.
Of course, he didn’t expect them to masquerade as an Uber driver to set a trap for Xin Yu.
“My car’s broken down. The engine won’t start.”
Xin Yu explained, clutching her handbag tightly to her chest.
Obviously, she knew how she looked and she wasn’t to let Se Cai ogle her.
You drive a Lexus, they don’t break down so easily, it’s so obvious it has been tampered with!
Se Cai wanted to yell at Xin Yu but was apprehensive of the driver.
After all, Se Cai knew the man was armed.
“We’re colleagues, why are you acting like I’m some kind of sexual predator.”
Se Cai tried to drag out the conversation, hoping to drop hints in it somehow.
Xin Yu retreated further into the door, as if she was actually afraid of Se Cai.
“If you’re so afraid of being in the same car with me, get out and get another ride.”
Se Cai saw Xin Yu’s reaction and decided to play into her preconceived notion.
“You’re such an uncouth man. I called for this car, didn’t I?”
Xin Yu argued indignantly.
“Well, you know the real me today. Behind you is the door if you don’t want to share a car with me.”
Se Cai crossed his arms and stared at Xin Yu.
However, out of the corner of his eye, he kept watch over the driver. If the man did anything weird, he planned to drag Xin Yu out the car.
The driver though was watching the both of them silently through the rear view mirror. He didn’t seem like he was going to make a move.
“You… hoodlum!”
Xin Yu spat while pointing an accusatory finger at Se Cai.
She turned to open the door behind her and made to leave the car.
“Finally, the plan’s working!”
Se Cai’s mouth twitched in a slight smile.
However, before Xin Yu got out, she looked at the pouring rain outside and closed the door again. She slumped in the seat and glared at Se Cai.
Her face was wet and it wasn’t all rain.
“Hey, star anchorwoman, are you crying?”
Se Cai teased rather unconvincingly. He was finding it hard to keep up the façade. He wanted to force Xin Yu out, not make her cry.
Xin Yu was used to people treating her with respect or admiration. She was crying because she was feeling helpless and mad at herself for her inability to handle a hoodlum like Se Cai.


Mei said...

Incidents like this is what gives Uber a bad reputation.

lonelytree said...

The raw doesn't use Uber, it's a chinese equivalent. I find it too unnecessary to explain so I just swap it for Uber. They serve the same purpose after all.

Anonymous said...

thanks for this chapter !!!
this novel is also pretty good http://www.freewebnovel.com/book/release-witch/

Anonymous said...

Lol she cried too easily, if she is so afraid she should just suffer getting wet a lil I mean it's rain not lava lol

lonelytree said...

O well, as the bard says, Frailty thy name is woman.