Thursday 24 August 2017

Chapter 25 How Much for Your Absence

   “Then your master should be watching over her closely, why would he allow Xin Yu to languish at a small town like County S?”
Se Cai asked after he processed everything.
“This is what the Old Master has been having headache about too… Miss is greatly interested in a broadcast career, which is fine in and of itself. The master even helped her get a spot at the central news station ready for when she graduated.”
“However, when Miss found out her acceptance was bought by the Master’s money and not her actual capability… she got furious and announced she was going to return to Master’s hometown and start from the ground up. She refused to be persuaded out of it.”
Sister Xu smiled bitterly as she explained.
Se Cai nodded understandingly. Getting into central news station with your own capability was not an easy feat but buying a spot there should be easier.
After all, for a station as big as central news station where new programs popped up like mushrooms after spring rain, finding a spot to fit a female anchor was not difficult as long as the price was right.
He didn’t expect Xin Yu to be so principled. She rejected her father’s aid and wanted to carve her own path like her father did.
If Se Cai was totally honest to himself, he would choose central news station if given the chance.
“I’ll report today’s happenings to the Old Master in a bit but no matter what, I can’t allow Miss to stay here anymore. We’ll be leaving tomorrow.”
Sister Xu announced solemnly, took out a cheque book from her coat, wrote one and tossed it to Se Cai.
“Here’s 1000000 RMB. Be clever and disappear from Miss’ life. Give up the relationship.”
“What is the meaning of this?”
Se Cai frowned. He felt there was something that was left unsaid by Sister Xu.
“Well, both of you are out alone in the same car in the middle of the night… Do really you expect me to believe there is nothing going on? Plus, there is still some of Miss’ lipstick stain on your mouth.”
Sister Xu sighed, “The Old Mistress passed away when Miss was still young. I practically raised her myself so I’m familiar with her personality. You’ve saved her twice and I’m thankful for that but she won’t be willing to invite you back here if she’s not in some ways interested in you as well…”
Se Cai quickly swiped his mouth with his hand and it indeed came off with some red color stain.
“It’s not like that, we’re really not in a romantic relationship!”
He stepped forward, eager to explain, “The both time I’ve saved her are coincidences. I don’t even have her number!”
The explanation felt weak even to Se Cai’s own ears.
The rescues might be coincidental but the feelings that they fostered were still valid.
“Mr. Se, no offense but I’m going to have to be direct here.”
Sister Xu gave Se Cai an once-over and said rather lightly, “you’re currently walking on a Persian rug made out of pure silk, about 100000 RMB a piece, of course I’m don’t mean I want you to pay the laundry fee, I doubt you could even afford that. So do you think you could support Miss who is raised in luxury?”
Sister Xu flipped her phone over to show Se Cai, “I just did a rudimentary background check on you. You’re currently a temp reporter for County S Tv Station, come from a poor family and has no real estate to your name. I suspect even Miss’ bathroom is bigger than the entire house you’re renting with a friend. I hate to be frank but Mr. Se, know your station in life.”
Se Cai was offended and shocked that Sister Xu managed to learn so many things about him in such a short period of time.
“Do you sincerely think I’m here to take advantage of Xin Yu? I didn’t even know about all this prior to today!”
Se Cai gestured wildly at the stuff around him.
Se Cai knew this was a world that he didn’t belong in but he didn’t want to be in it in the first place!
Everything that led to this moment was a coincidence and he was livid that Sister Xu had inserted her own preconception of him behind every single one of them.
“2000000 RMB, this is the most I can give you without consulting the Old Master. Young man, listen to me, I don’t care what your hidden intention for approaching Miss Xin Yu is but one must be clever enough to know when the gig is up.”
Sister Xu said with a hint of threat. She crumbled the previous cheque that she wrote and offered a new one.
Se Cai stood still and witnessed the piece of cheque floated gently down to the table between them.
“You’re right, I’m poor but I have my own integrity.”
Se Cai smirked contemptuously, “which is a lot more than what I could say for some of the rich people I’ve met. Money truly can’t buy everything, especially common civility. You’ve repeated again and again you’re thankful to me for having saved Xin Yu’s lives but you’re ready to send me off with some money. You didn’t offer me your name card or even a glass of warm water. Is that how the rich treats their guest? If yes, then I’d rather be poor.”
 Sister Xu was taken aback.
She didn’t expect Se Cai to be so collected and confident in such a situation, she had a new appreciation of him.
Se Cai reminded her of her Old Master when he was young, having passion and determination in his actions and the brain that back them up… Alas.
“You’re right, I’m in the fault here. For a position like mine, almost all the information on our printed name card is false but here let me write you a real one. Please call me if the Cobra Syndicate come to seek revenge on you. You’re right, we did owe you one.”
Sister Xu smiled for the first time at Se Cai that night. She wrote down a phone number on the back of the cheque and offered it to Se Cai.
“Alright, thank you. Let me say my goodbye to Xin Yu then we’ll part like gentlemen.”
Se Cai smiled in return.
“Mr. Se, it’s almost midnight!”
Sister Xu’s expression turned dour, adding, “Plus, Miss said she was going to take a bath, don’t you think it’s a bit inappropriate?”
Se Cai stammered from his social faux pas. He realized a little too late that this time he did act like a sexual predator.
“Before we leave tomorrow, I will arrange for Miss to meet with you. It’s getting late, I’ll get a driver to send you home.”
Sister Xu said diplomatically.
Se Cai sensed Sister Xu still had reservations about him. It felt like she had the intention to stop him from meeting Xin Yu.
“Thank you.”
Se Cai looked at the grandfather clock in the room that showed the time at 11.45 pm. It would be unseemly to linger much longer. Since Xin Yu was safe in the comfort of her own house, there was no reason for him to stay.
“I’m glad we can agree on this, Mr. Se. Come, I’ll send you to the door.”
Sister Xu smiled and said.
“Thank you but the rain has stopped and my place is not far away from here. I wouldn’t want to pull Sister Xu away from Xin Yu lest she was caught in any danger again. I’ll just walk myself out.”
Se Cai nodded his farewell but suddenly he turned to add, “I saw the mercenary contacted his partner through a phone call when we were still in the car, so please be careful. They might have something else planned.”
“Don’t you worry about that. This place is like a fort, Miss will be safe here.”
Sister Xu gave a reassuring smile. She called someone on her phone and Se Cai heard a car drove to the front of the house…
Se Cai was annoyed and a little suspicious. This Sister Xu was too eager to want him gone.
“Does she really think I approached Xin Yu for her wealth?”
Se Cai grumbled inwardly, “She is such a double-faced person. Said she’s thankful for my help but couldn’t wait to send me on my way!”
Frustrated, Se Cai tried his mind-reading on Sister Xu to see what she truly thought of him but realized he had used his 2 limits that day.
To his surprise, a golden paragraph appeared above Sister Xu.
“The skill must have refreshed because it is past midnight!”
Se Cai realized with a start.
What he read though was the real shocker…
“I can’t believe this is what she’s thinking!”
He put the towel to his face to conceal the surprise that he believed was showing.
She almost had him duped if not for his own… pettiness.
“I guess I’ll see the both of you tomorrow.”
Se Cai set down the towel and said with a straight face.
After Se Cai walked out of the door, Sister Xu had on a mysterious smile.
“Alas, he’s still too young.”
Sister Xu then asked for the servants to disperse before heading upstairs with purposeful steps.  


Bunbun said...

Thanks for the chapter Lonely Tree!~

lonelytree said...

Oh my, you're early, bun XD