Thursday 24 August 2017

Chapter 27 And it Got Worse

After Sister Xu left, Xin Yu clambered out of the tub to grab a towel to pull it around herself.
 “Well, that went swimmingly,” Se Cai said as he came up for air.
Xin Yu fixed him a laser sharp stare.
“You better explain yourself quickly or I swear you’re in for a world of pain!”
She warned as she rubbed the claw marks that was on her calf.
“Get dressed because we need to get out of here. Sister Xu intends to mean you harm!”
Se Cai blurted. This was the information he got from reading Xu Jin Feng’s mind.
The mercenary did have a partner and it was none other than Xu Jin Feng!
Thankfully, Se Cai was accompanying Xin Yu or she wouldn’t have a chance to escape their convoluted trap!
“What? Sister Xu has always treated me like her daughter, how could she…”
Xin Yu retorted disbelievingly.
“Well, think about this. Your Lexus is a high quality piece of vehicle, I bet this is the first time it has broken down. Who other than yourself could tamper with it?”
Se Cai continued calmly, “And when you called for her, she arrived to fetch us in less than 5 minutes. Xin Yu, we were in the middle of nowhere, how could she know where to find us so fast? Lastly, can you remember which side of the road the limo came from?”
“She came from the northern side of the road…”
Her voice petered to a whisper as she started to accept the uncomfortable truth.
Jin Feng, if she truly was at the house when Xin Yu called should have arrived from the southern side of the road. This was because XY Residence was at the southern part of town.
“Sister Xu has been assisting father since the very beginning. I suspect she has gotten dissatisfied of her current position…”
Now that Se Cai thought back to his interaction with Jin Feng everything started to fall into place.
2000000 RMB was a huge amount of money but it was only a drop in the ocean when compared to Xuan Wu Group’s total funds. The fact that Xin Yu’s father only trusted Jin Feng with such a small amount of his total account showed friction between the two parties.
Then again, he might not have realized Jin Feng’s festering enmity towards him since he was willing to leave his daughter in her care.
In any case, Jin Feng’s plan was to share the ransom money with the mercenary. Xin Yu’s ransom could easily reach into the billions. Se Cai had seen people killed for far less. Xin Yu’s life was worth more than that for Chang Seng’s enemies, it was the perfect chance for Jin Feng to bank in, to take back what Chang Seng had owed her over all those years.
“So, what do we do now?”
After hearing the evidence presented by Se Cai, Xin Yu asked worriedly.
He had become her sole confidant, the only person whom she could trust implicitly.
“Listen to me, here’s the plan…”
A man who wore a black jacket paced impatiently around the second floor indoor courtyard. The place was Xin Yu’s personal garden. It was filled with potted flowers that she liked and cared for daily. She would spend hours trimming and watering her plants but that day it was occupied by an incongruous presence.
“What took you so long?”
The man demanded as another figure arrived at the courtyard.
“I had to check up on her. Don’t worry she’s still in there. This garden stands in the middle of the route to and from Zhang Xin Yu’s bedroom. She won’t be able to go anywhere without passing through here.”
Jin Feng twirled a dagger in her delicate fingers. It glinted dangerously in the moonlight. She added in a deliberate drawl, “Remember, you’re a driver assigned by the Old Master to fetch her to a safe place. Be careful to not raise any suspicions. We’re relatively safe within this residential area but there’s an army garrison nearby so don’t create any unnecessary trouble! After everything’s completed, you’ll get 30 percent of the profit!”
The man frowned, “50 or no deal.”
Jin Feng shook her head and said smilingly, “I would have gladly given your people half but your man couldn’t even take care of a common reporter. Luckily I reacted quickly or he would have exposed our identity!”
“That is our boss’ terms, I’m just the messenger.”
The man continued with an empty expression, “But, a word of advice, all this will go up in smokes if we fail to kidnap the girl.”
“You know what, you’re right. I’ll go check on her again.”
Jin Feng didn’t want to dawdle anymore with a mere lackey so she left for Xin Yu’s bedroom.
The bedroom was unlit and didn’t seem to be occupied. The only noise was the curtain that flapped in the wind from the open balcony window.
With increasing nervousness, Jin Feng rushed to the bathroom and of course, it was empty.
“The girl must have seen through me somehow and ran!”
Jin Feng followed a series of wet footsteps to the open balcony. She leaned over and saw a pink color bed sheet fluttering in the wind.
“Damn, Zhang Xin Yu saw through our ruse and escaped. She still should be around the area, get the car!”
Jin Feng hollered at the man waiting in the courtyard. Both of them rushed downstairs.
After some time, rustlings could be heard coming from the closet.
“Do you think your trick work? Are they gone?”
Xin Yu whispered in the dark.
“They should be gone by now but there are still people inside the house. It’s hard to tell whether they are Jin Feng’s people or not.”
The closet was not big to begin with but with Xin Yu’s ludicrous amount of clothing, there was barely space for one person to stand much less 2. Se Cai was basically breathing into Xin Yu’s face when he talked.
The close proximity discomfited him. And what made it worse was that she was only wearing a towel.
Xin Yu felt Se Cai’s breathing and sidled away from him even though there was literally no space left for her to retreat.
“You… sex maniac!”
Se Cai grimaced. He added awkwardly.
“It’s your fault for designing such a small closet. The rest of your room is so big, why allocate such a small space as the closet?”
Refusing to stay in the same space as Se Cai anymore, Xin Yu shoved open the closet and tumbled out into the open.
Her movement was so sudden and big that it caused the knot on her towel to unravel.
“Ah… Look away!”
She howled as she grabbed a random piece of clothing from the closet.


  1. many novels are shown in freewebnovel

  2. Thank you translator-san! Gah I really don't like that Xin Yu whatever she does makes me feel irritated 😟

  3. Thanks you for the chapter!

  4. Is this a Chinese story or a ecchi anime story lol
