Monday 28 August 2017

Chapter 35 Pretend Husband and Wife

“How did Sai Wu know to send you over to the station?”
Se Cai thought Lee Wei’s appearance at his workplace was just a coincidence but incidentally, there was something more.
“I’ve made Sai Wu’s acquaintance before the suicide bomber news. His position at County S was only a political stepping stone for him to reach a higher executive level. The special I’m doing on County S is my way of repaying him a favor I’ve owed.”
Lee Wei nodded and continued, “The political campaign for the county seat is within these few days and the biggest threat that stands in his way is Wang Run Fa. As you know, Wang Run Fa is already quite senior so this will probably be the last time he joins the campaign. Therefore, he has pulled out all the stops. That is why even though he knew blocking the suicide news would step on Sai Wu’s territory, he had to do it to allow himself a fighting chance.”
Comprehension dawned immediately for Se Cai.
If the news got on to central news, the positive portrayal of Sai Wu in it would come as a giant threat to Wang Run Fa.
It was a clever political maneuver, one that could sink Wang Run Fa’s chance at winning the county seat.
Wang Run Fa’s plan hit 2 birds with one stone. By blocking the news, he not only stopped Sai Wu but also managed to punish Se Cai that crossed him.
Thankfully, Sai Wu had the foresight to send Lee Wei to County S Tv Station, to undo Wang Run Fa’s ploys.
“This Wang Run Fa… The worst thing I did was getting close to his brother-in-law’s school, is there even a need for such ruthlessness?”
Se Cai groused.
“You offended his family? No wonder he was so eager to mark you for death.”
Lee Wei’s interest was piqued, she continued, “So what exactly did you do?”
Se Cai relayed the events that had happened to him to Lee Wei.
“He would be so cruel against an innocent reporter much less the students in his school!”
Se Cai slammed on the steering wheel angrily, sighing, “My greatest wish now is to expose this school’s evil deeds and the fact that Wang Run Fa condones it. Sadly, none of the directors at the station is crazy enough to allow me to tackle the head of the PR Department.”
This was Se Cai first assignment given to him by the system. Completing it would get him 200 News Points and a Rank E Authorization. Other than that, Se Cai himself really wanted to take Wang Run Fa down. However, as he said, no one was crazy enough to give him the green light to do so.
After Se Cai’s explanation, Lee Wei said excitedly, “You should have told me earlier you have such an interesting news lead on your hands!”
Se Cai was a little caught off guard by the gleam that had entered Lee Wei’s eyes.
“Wait, this is too dangerous. I was sent to the hospital for wandering around the school’s outer perimeter.”
Se Cai warned because he saw where Lee Wei was going with this. He was worried for her safety.
“Don’t you worry about me. I’m not a hapless little girl, you know.”
Lee Wei said in a confident smile, “Don’t forget I’m the lead reporter for <Legal Frontline>! I’ve been to underground casino, police shoot-outs and had even crossed paths with drug dealers! This is just an internet addiction rehabilitation school, what harm could there be?”
Se Cai realized he has underestimated Lee Wei. In the world of journalism, the majority was male so there was an innate protective nature Se Cai had towards Lee Wei. However, he forgot that she was much more experienced that he was.
Furthermore, Lee Wei looked like she couldn’t be dissuaded. A report that could take down a county department head? Now that was the kind of news she lived for!
With a smile, Lee Wei pulled from her bag a black object that looked like a pack of gum.
“Thankfully I always carry this with me. This is a knock-off miniature camera, 2, 300 RMB for one. It can only record for up to an hour but that should be more than enough.”
Se Cai stared transfixed at the object that Lee Wei twirled in her hand. He was taken aback by her dedication. The biggest fear a reporter had was the lack of recording equipment when a newsworthy event happened. No wonder she held the position of a lead reporter.
Lee Wei pulled her ponytail off and her hair fell into a fashionable bob.
She hid a Bluetooth ear bud in her ear and behind the curtain of hair, no one could tell she was actually recording.
Then, she waved the miniature camera in front of Se Cai challengingly, saying, “Jiang Shao have already returned to the province station… So, care to join me on a covert investigation?”
 “Of course!”
Se Cai couldn’t possibly let her go alone. Furthermore, this was his news to begin with, he couldn’t let her finish it for him.
“Great, this’ll be easier because we can be on the lookout for each other. Now, I have more experience with covert operation so follow my lead.”
Lee Wei smiled when she saw Se Cai agreed so easily.
She then removed from her bag a small make-up kit which opened to reveal a cluster of cosmetic paraphernalia.
“They’ve seen you before, so don’t move, I’ll apply some make-up on you. When I’m done, I promise even your own mother wouldn’t be able to recognize you!”
Lee Wei laughed sinfully as she pressed a tube of something black on Se Cai’s lips.
Before Se Cai could protest, she took out a can of hair spray and let it ripped on Se Cai’s hair. She moved through the motions with a practiced air.
Se Cai sat quietly as he let Lee Wei fussed over him. Lee Wei had sat up in her seat due to their height difference and Se Cai had to avert his eyes when she leaned in to work on his disguise.
Se Cai turned his head towards the window but Lee Wei pulled him back because the head movement was affecting her work. Se Cai on his part kept as still as possible even though his eyes kept wandering. Working in that cramped space, there was an intimacy that Se Cai didn’t foresee. Her body kept bumping into Se Cai as she worked and the folds of her dress tickled his skin. His heart was beating fast and prayed simultaneously that it would be over soon and that it would never end.
“Okay, I’m done. Take a look for yourself.”
Lee Wei sat back down in her seat and said satisfactorily.
Se Cai took in a deep breath and pulled down the mirror sewn into the visor. He was shocked to see his own reflection.
With a few fake moustaches, a change of hairstyle and recoloring of skin tone using BB cream, Se Cai looked completely different. The Se Cai in the mirror was a weary middle-aged man.
“How did you do this… This is like plastic surgery!”
Se Cai exclaimed as he put his hands to his face.
Lee Wei wasn’t kidding when she said his own mother probably won’t be able to recognize him.
“The station doesn’t pair its reporter with a make-up artist so I’ve been doing my own make-up. Turns out I have a knack for over the top style of make-up. Couldn’t possibly use it for the camera but the skill proves to be quite handy for undercover cases.”
Lee Wei turned to inspect her work, adding, “Of course you got to have a good canvas to work with. Se Cai, you have quite pleasing and malleable features, unlike that muscular buffoon Jiang Shao.”
Se Cai blushed. It was the first time he had received such direct compliment from a member of his opposite gender. He was used to melting into the crowd. No one had ever said he had handsome features before.
Thankfully, his blush was hidden by Lee Wei’s generous helping of BB cream.
Lee Wei turned serious, “From now on, your name is Cai and mine is Wei. We’re a married couple with an 8-year-old that’s obsessed with LOL. We’re there to inspect the school to see whether it would suit our son.”
“A married couple?”
A shocked Se Cai said.
“Of course, it’s more believable than you being a 20 something teen with internet addiction.”
Lee Wei rolled her eyes but added teasingly, “Right, honey?”
That certainly didn’t help Se Cai’s blush and he was at a loss for words. This was the first time he pretended to be someone’s husband, especially one for such a gorgeous woman, and he didn’t know what to say.

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