Wednesday 16 August 2017

Chapter 4 Out of the Hospital

                “Assignment accepted!”
                Se Cai said quietly. Unsurprisingly, a golden flashed burst before him to reveal a folder icon. Se Cai concentrated on the icon and it opened to the details on the Blue Sky Rehab assignment.
                News Lead: Received tip about Blue Sky Rehab’s illegal custody of its patients and its involvement in causing intentional injury. Expose on the rehab will lead to public awareness and pressure for shut down.
                “It’s you who have crossed me first. I don’t believe I can’t take you down with the help of this Eye for News system!”
                Se Cai uttered through clenched teeth.
                Se Cai was raised in a single-parent family so he not a factious person, he only became so determined because the Blue Sky Rehab’s people had him cornered. They not only assaulted him, they wanted him spiritually and professionally dead!
                “Se Cai!”
                The call of his name was followed by a string of rushed footsteps. Se Cai turned to see Gao Xiang running towards him. He set down the thermos and implored hurriedly, “Are you okay? I just came back from your attending doctor and happened across a bunch of unpleasant looking people exiting your room.”
                Trailing behind Gao Xiang was a team of nurses who looked equally nervous.
                “I’m… fine. Just feeling a bit faint.”
                Se Cai breathed in deeply to calm himself, “Those were the people from Blue Sky Rehab, they came to apologize.”
                Se Cai purposely kept his elaboration brief because there were too many unfamiliar faces in the room, especially the doctor that Se Cai’s eyes eventually fell on.
                “Nice to meet you, Mr. Se. I’m doctor Wong, you’ve been transferred to us this morning so let me first go through your medical report…”
                The doctor said as he habitually pushed the bridge of his spectacles upwards.
                Thanks to the clue provided by his mind-reading skill though, Se Cai was extremely suspicious of this doctor.
                Maybe this was the doctor who had been bribed?
                Se Cai zeroed in on the doctor and yelled internally, “Activate mind-reading!”
                “Sigh, I wonder which powerful figure this poor guy has crossed that the president of the hospital personally ordered me to surreptitiously add small dosage of dimethyl pyridine in his drop feed. Isn’t this just a set-up, the smell of that chemical is so darn strong. O well, it’s all for the promise of a promotion…”
                Se Cai was stunned by this doctor’s inner thoughts. He tried activating his mind-reading skill again to find out more about this dimethyl pyridine but a warning issued in his mind.
                “Failure to activate mind-reading skill! Elementary mind-reading skill is limited to 2 usages per day. Please upgrade skill if the host wishes to increase usage number.”
                “Damn! There’s limitation to things that I’ve paid for?!”
                Se Cai was so caught up in his inner turmoil that he didn’t notice the doctor that had moved beside him.
                “Mr Se? Mr Se?”
                Doctor Wong frowned as he waved his hand in front of Se Cai. He jotted some observations in the medical report before adding, “Mr Se, it doesn’t appear that you suffer from any internal injury. The only thing worrying is the concussion, it seems to be more serious than we suspect. I suggest you take a CT scan and stay for an additional few days for observations. In the meantime, I’ll prescribe you some brain supplements…”
                “No. That won’t be necessary. Look at me, I’m perfectly fine.”
                Se Cai said hurriedly after he heard the term supplements, “I was only temporarily spaced out. I’m feeling alright, you can even discharge me this moment.”
                Even though he had no idea what dimethyl pyridine was, he had no doubts that it was something harmful and he wanted to have nothing to do with it.
                “Se Cai, stop kidding. You can’t possibly walk of the hospital like this!”
                Gao Xiang scolded sternly, “Your injury is not serious but since the director has already given you leave, why the haste to leave the hospital? Listen to the doctor, I’m sure doctor wong only wants what’s best for you. Why are you so intent on going back to the life of a slave? You have to savor this golden opportunity to rest…”
                “Stop! I’m serious, I want to leave this hospital now. There so many things waiting for me to do, I don’t want to be the person responsible for bringing our whole team down.”
                Se Cai confirmed in a tone that brook no argument.
                If he wasn’t privy to the trap that was waiting for him, Se Cai wouldn’t even dream of leaving the comfort of his bed. Staying there spelt certain doom so he might as well try his luck outside!
                The doctor wasn’t expecting Se Cai to be so adamant on leaving the hospital so he flustered, “Mr. Se, I seriously do not advise you to leave the hospital with your current condition…”
                “Doctor, you yourself said my physical’s a non-issue and my brain… well, it’s doing just fine.”
                Se Cai smiled, tapping his head lightly.
                “Well, as fine as it could be with a mysterious future system bound to it…” was the sentence that he didn’t finish.
                “Se Cai, you…”
                Gao Xiang stammered because he had not seen this side of his friend before.
                Then, a salacious smile crept to his face, “Now I understand. Bro, you’re still thinking about our star anchorwoman right? I’ve said she wanted to thank you personally when you’re discharged so you’re anxious to go on this date, isn’t it…”
                “F*ck, what kind of person do you think I am?”
                Se Cai chastised him half-jokingly.
                However the mention of Zhang Xin Yu’s name did remind him of something. The gang of thug wanted to mean her harm as well!
                Se Cai doubted they would really injure a woman, but in any case, it was necessary to warn her.
                Se Cai couldn’t reveal all these before the doctor, so he only smiled lightly. Gripping the rail of his bed, he feigned concern, “Aren’t we following the County Beautification news? You’ll need my help to finish it. Surely I can’t leave the whole assignment to you.”
                Gao Xiang saw Se Cai’s determination so he sighed, “Fine, didn’t know you’re so dedicated to the job. But please stay in the studio to do the paperwork, don’t run outside willy-nilly.”
                Yes, Se Cai was dedicated to his job but he had a completely different job in mind.
                He was ready to throw himself back into work, fully determined to begin the expose on Blue Sky Rehab!


  1. You need a next and previous chapter thingy Lonely Tree. Listen to mikaelhg.

  2. Thanks for the chapter!
    The novel looks good!!!

  3. @bunbun, it's not that I don't want to, I don't know how to lol.

  4. @Sarg. Thank you, I really enjoy it myself too :D
