Friday 18 August 2017

Chapter 7 A Misunderstanding

      For as long as Se Cai could remember, Zhang Xin Yu presented herself professionally. She was all sharp angles.
      Unless necessary, she would not waste her time on casual conversation, a typical ice queen.
      It thus came as a complete surprise that under that frozen exterior hid a young maiden’s heart. Who would have thought?!
      To borrow a common term, she had a mature appearance but a loli’s heart!
      “Shit, what am I thinking? This is not a person that I can mess with!”
      Se Cai finally came to his senses.
      As previously mentioned, County S Tv Station’s Zhang Xin Yu had many admirers. One such evidence was the red Honda Z4 that was abandoned by the side of the station building.
      According to rumors, the car was gift from a famous rich man’s son that wanted to woo Zhang Xin Yu.
      The anchorwoman though was unmoved.
      Since it would be too shameful to take the car back, the man left it by the station, exposed to the elements. Every time Se Cai passed it, his eyes couldn’t help but linger. Such a waste, he would think to himself.
      Se Cai didn’t hear the door open.
                Se Cai relied too heavily on his newly enhanced senses to tell him of approaching people but he failed to prepare for the closed-in environments of the dubbing studio.
      A tall woman stood framed by the door, and it was Zhang Xin Yu.
      Unfortunately for Se Cai, she had decided to come early that day!
                “Se Cai, I didn’t expect to see you at work today…”
                Xin Yu said with a shock when she saw Se Cai in her office, but her face quickly melted into a rare smile. He did save her from a beating after all.
                The smile though froze on her face when she saw what Se Cai was holding in his hand.
                Her hands involuntarily went up to her mouth that was opened in utter shock when she realized Se Cai was gripping her bra!
        “Wait, this is not what you think!”
                A blanched Se Cai tried desperately to explain.
                He himself knew how horrible the whole situation looked. If he was someone else, he wouldn’t believe his own explanation either.
                “You… Get out of my room!”
                Xin Yu said chillingly.
                “Please listen to my explanation. My computer died so I wanted to borrow yours for a use but I accidentally sat on your make-up and that led me to discover your suit…”
                Se Cai explained hurriedly.
                Xin Yu stalked over to grab her bra away from Se Cai.
                “Who would believe such nonsense? I saw you fondling my bra with my own eyes…”
                Xin Yu accused as icily as she could but a faint blush still crept to her face.
                She was wearing a faded pink t-shirt that day and it showed off her figure nicely. Who knew she would be so… sexy when she’s animated, Se Cai’s male brain couldn’t help but notice.
        No wonder there was so many people interested in her. Se Cai even heard from Director Bai that a rich tycoon had signed a lucrative advertisement contract with the tv station just to have dinner with Xin Yu.
                Then, he remembered there were other people with mal-intention that were pursuing Xin Yu as well.
                He said, “Right, I meant to tell you, the people from Blue Sky Rehab intents to mean you harm so you better be careful…”
                “Stop sticking your hands in my business. Leave or I’ll call security!”
                Xin Yu interjected angrily.
                Se Cai clammed up and scurried out of her room.
                “F*ck, why did I think I could use her office? What to do now?”
                Se Cai tormented himself when he returned to his desk.
                His working relationship with Zhang Xin Yu was starting to warm since he saved her but now he had become a bra thief.
                Things were sure to be awkward in the office.
                He was too tortured to notice Director Bai picked up the hotline and rushed over after jotting some things vigorously down in his memo.
                “Se Cai… where’s the other reporters?”
                Director Bai frowned as he surveyed the almost empty newsroom.
                “Everyone’s out on field assignment. The last one to leave was Xu Ran, half an hour ago.”
                Se Cai snuck a look at the clock, it was already half past nine, no wonder there wasn’t anyone left.
                “Then, there’s no other choice but to depend on you. A citizen just called the hotline to report a jumper at the commercial building…”
              Hai Dong looked at Se Cai pleadingly, “I know I’ve said you could stay in today but could you please do me this favor? There’s really no one else available now.”
                Se Cai shot up in his seat, bumping the front of his chest with his fist, he said, “Leave it to me, Director Bai. This is my responsibility after all!”
                County S was a relatively peaceful county so most of their news was about jaywalking, community events and the likes.
                Suicide by jumping was huge! It should have no problem being tonight’s lead news.
                “Like last time, this should nab me 10 News Point… That’s not an amount to scoff at, it’ll get me that much closer to trading that second item.”
                The thought of earning News Point breathed life into Se Cai, it had even pushed the memory of the earlier awkward encounter out of his mind.
                “Alright, remember this phone number. I’ll go get the filming crew ready so please get to the scene fast. Of course, Xiao Se since this is the first time you’re covering something this scale, I’ll get a second reporter to come aid you as soon as possible…”
                Director Bai said with some hesitation. He sounded like he was having second thoughts.
                His hesitation was well-founded because Se Cai was at the station for only a year, news this scale should go to a more experienced reporter. However, there was no one else readily available and news like this depended on timeliness.
                He had no choice but to trust Se Cai.
                Se Cai nodded in quick succession before leaving with his camera equipment.
                He felt strangely calm.
                It was just a suicide assignment, wasn’t it? He only needed a few good pictures from the actual scene to complete a piece of worthy news!


Unmotivated Leo said...

Thank you for the chapter. Now we are going to see some work ㅇㅅㅇ"

Keep going õ//

lonelytree said...

Thanks for the support <3

Mei said...

The picture of a splattered corpse = 1 billion news points.

This seems to be a nice series, hopefully the MC did not become a jackass like the MC of a similar certain novel.

lonelytree said...

@Hayakawa, I'm not a fervent reader of chinese webnovels so what is this certain novel that you speak of? I'm interested. Maybe i can pick something up from it. :)

sarg said...

HAha! It's heating up! Can't wait for it.
The only negative so far it's the short chapter length!

Mei said...

Go to NovelUpdates'page for this novel, scroll down to the 'Recommendation' section and you will find out the title of the novel I am talking about.

lonelytree said...