Saturday 3 April 2021

73 Why he Should be the Main Character


A comedy actor accidentally found crucial clues to a real life murder due to the research he did to commit into his role, that itself could be made into a movie. “Parts of the human jigsaw victims are hidden inside Happiness Neighbourhood Block 1. I’d suggest you send officers over there immediately. Since the butterfly should have seen Meng Changxi’s stream, it would take action to destroy the evidence. We have to move faster than it.”

“The place has already been put under lockdown.” Li Xue’s superior studied Han Fei who sat by the table. His investigative instinct told him things were not that simple but his instinct also told him that Han Fei meant no malice. The young man before him appeared to be eager to solve the case, perhaps even more than they did.

“I’ve already told you everything I know, can I leave now?” Han Fei needed to return to the game at night so he couldn’t spend the night at the station.

“Do you have other things on your schedule? We are applying for a citizenry bravery honorary medal for you. Furthermore, you are applicable for the human jigsaw case’s reward money considering the contribution you’ve given to the police.” Li Xue’s superior knew his way around words. A simple statement and he got all of Han Fei’s attention.

“How much is the reward money?” A calculative glow crossed Han Fei’s eyes but Han Fei quickly hid it away by lowering his head to take a sip of the water. “The amount does not matter that much of course. I did what I did to help avenge the victims that’s all! I got to know the victims’ families in the process of shooting the movie and I empathize greatly with their suffering.” Han Fei was about to wax more stories when his phone suddenly rang. All the officers in the room turned towards him.

“Jiang Yi?” Han Fei had no idea why Director Jiang would pick this moment to call him. But to avoid misunderstanding, he accepted the call and put it on speaker.

“Han Fei, did you see Meng Changxi’s livestream? Now, I’m sure this case will be cracked wide open! Our patience is worth it after all!” Director Jiang sounded so excited. Due to the troubles from the main actor and the victims’ families, he was under great pressure because the shooting was forcibly halted.

“Yes, I did.” Han Fei continued internally, ‘Hell, I even participated in it.’

“When will you come back to the set? This time our script will surely be satisfactory to the victims’ families! Meng Changxi’s livestream will definitely be written into the plot. Not only will it have a climactic effect, it has already helped us garner so much free promotion!” Director Jiang sounded like he had already started to reconstruct the new script in his mind. He sounded like a man who was given water after wandering for days in the desert.

“I can’t return to the set just yet…” Han Fei said apologetically. “I’m currently at the police station, I’m helping the law enforcement with the case.”

“Wait… you are helping the police?” Director Jiang repeated in confusion.

“I’ll have the police explain it to you, Director Jiang.” Han Fei handed the phone to Li Xue’s superior while whispering. “Sir, I have to skip several workdays because I was too busy looking for clues. I know I have caused my director plenty of troubles. Sir, can you please put in a good word for me?”

Li Xue’s superior detailed Han Fei’s contribution in the case to Director Jiang. The captain lavished such compliments on Han Fei that the latter blushed with embarrassment. On the other end of the line, Jiang Yi was stunned with disbelief. ‘I told you study the character, but I didn’t tell you to go and solve his murder!’

Han Fei was the one who found the key clues to help the police solve the frozen body and human jigsaw case. Jiang Yi took a long time before he fully digested this news. The tremor in his heart lasted for a long time before it settled down. When he spoke again, there was a tremble in his voice, “Mr. O… Officer, you have to treat Han Fei nicely. He is the one carrying our whole movie!”

“Han Fei has proven himself instrumental in the resolution of these cases, so we need him to stay a while longer to take his statements, but I’ll be sure to not let that intervene with the shoot. Other than that… I hope that you’ll be able to promote a good image of law enforcement in the movie’s end product.”

“Of course, of course!” Jiang Yi said confidently. After a few more words with the captain and Han Fei, Jiang Yi made Han Fei promise that he would show up at the set tomorrow.

After hanging up, Han Fei continued giving his statements to the police. He had no idea the impact this phone call had left on Jiang Yi and the rest of the crew.

After ending the call with Han Fei, Jiang Yi immediately dialled a few other numbers. Not all of them were answered so he called a cab and hurried towards a production company. While he rushed into the building, Jiang Yi still did not give up on his call. Finally, it was picked up. “Sister Long, I have something important to tell you!” With the receptionist notified, Director Jiang was led into the conference room where a few individuals in smart, formal outfits were seated.

“Jiang Yi, you’re here because of the human jigsaw killer’s livestream, aren’t you?” Sister Long was seated at the front of the desk and it was clear that she called the shots here. “We have already been notified. The case’s popularity is now through the roof, it’ll be immensely helpful to our movie. But this can be a double-edged sword. If we do not handle this sensitively, we’ll be buried under public pressure.”

“Sister Long, I am now 100 percent confident that I can make gold out of this movie! There is just one small thing that I need to notify you.” Director Jiang said seriously.

“What is it? Why don’t you come and take a seat first? Don’t just stand there.”

“I want to change our main character. Ah Cheng is too green to play the role to its full potential. He is unable to carry the presence of a detective with at least a decade of experience.” Once Jiang Yi said that, the people in the room started to rustle.

“Even though this movie is only a small budget project, Han Guang Cinema and we, You Long Culture are the main sponsors. Han Guang Cinema’s condition for sponsoring the project is that we have Ah Cheng as the main character. Once you fire him, you have to consider them backing out from the project as well. Furthermore, where are you going to find his replacement at such short notice? Even if you have a candidate in mind, where are you going to find the money to hire him?”

“We already have an actor perfect for this role in our crew!” Jiang Yi did not budge. He took out his phone to show an actor’s profile. “His name is Han Fei.”

“Han Fei? I have not heard of him before.” Sister Long turned to discuss this with the other people in the room. They all frowned in response. Sister Long eventually stood up to face Jiang Yi. “This Han Fei is quite a looker, is he a new actor being cultivated by some big agency?”

“Han Fei is not really a new actor and he is a free agent at the moment.”

“Then, is he one of those serious actors who only take on art films? What award-winning movies has he participated in?”

“Erm, he has none.”

Hearing Jiang Yi’s answer, Sister Long scoffed. “So, let me get this straight, you want me to take on a no name actor with no background, and no star power? Are you kidding me? Is he your nephew? Is that why you’re recommending him?”

“He’s not my nephew, but he is the key witness to the human jigsaw case!”

“What?” Not only Sister Long, everyone in the room was baffled.

“He is a key witness.” Jiang Yi looked into Sister Long’s eyes unwaveringly. “In fact, he was the reason the police are able to solve the human jigsaw case. The law enforcement is going to hold a ceremony to award him with a citizenry bravery honorary medal. I have just confirmed that with the police.”

“You… want the person who solved the case in real life to play the character of the detective in the movie?”

Sister Long was stumped, even she had not encountered something as fantastical as this before. After a temporary silence, the conference room burst into contained chaos.


  1. Hell yeah!! I love the chapters involving the acting portion of the story! Having an Han Fei play the main role is super exciting even though it was obvious he'd get it. I'm half convinced to wait a week so that I can read the acting portion in one go. I won't though, since I'm once again addicted to a book that is being updated daily.

  2. ---- Thanks for the chapter~!!!

    Awesome..!! Finally.!

  3. Thx for the chapter!

    Refreshing until the next one come out :)

  4. God, I just love how much more involved the acting part of the story is compared to the haunted house in MHOH. I always felt it was a huge pity that Chen Ge's haunted house was just a small plot device, and seeing the side-gig take a more active role in My Iyashikei Game is awesome.

    1. It's actually not small at all. The mini arcs when people explore new quests in the hoh are the best

  5. The chapters about the visitors to the haunted house made sense. They were an important change in tone and respite between terrible events. And without them also the liveliness and realistic story would be greatly undermined. And also the story fell to pieces due to the absence of ringing links, if there were no these chapters. And it is worth saying that these chapters were also not wasted in the plot plan, since one of the regular visitors, a student of the Medical Institute Zuo Han, played an important role in Chen Ge's last adventure.

    So it is simply impossible to call these parts of the story a small plot move, when this little plot move is almost one of the main components of the story.

  6. When you have the person who solved the case play the role of the person who solved the case in a movie about the case XD

  7. Holy moly XD well the butterfly if he didn't have his attention on mc now he will now mc isn't safe at all rip

  8. It's hilarious hahaha , the person who solved the case is acting as the MC

  9. Ty for chapter acting tree

  10. Honestly if there's ever such a movie where the actor actually contribute to the real life case i would totally watch it omg it would be such a big deal, one and only piece of work!! Such a thrill!!! Like imagine all the media coverage and the interviews wow

    This novel is really truly insane in a good way so brilliant!!

    (Also I've read the authors prev work and i do enjoy the mc from that work but honestly... i love this mc more so seeing people keep on comparing them gets really annoying)

  11. Speaking of acting there's also a novel that i would recommend if you like horror showbiz and some heartwarming (wrenching) stuff

    it's called "I've transmigrated into this movie before"
