Monday 3 May 2021

103 Game of Cat and Mouse


Ever since Han Fei showed him the ropes, Zhan Yueyue looked up to Han Fei. While he played the main character, Han Fei could easily bring into life the positivity of hope in face of death and despair. He radiated tenacity and belief in every scene despite all the reasons not to. However, in Zhan Yueyue’s personal opinion, Han Fei made a more charming antagonist than protagonist. There was a mysterious allure about the man that inspired awe and fear, there was grace in his character’s madness. Zhan Yueyue played a minor antagonist in the movie as well but the young man knew how big the difference between himself and Han Fei was. Zhan Yueyue did try to improve his acting but for some reason, he was unable to bring himself to Han Fei’s level. It had been boggling him the reason why but at that moment, something cleared for him.

Han Fei’s acting talent originated from within. Zhan Yueyue did not know how to really describe it. In a few scenes, Zhan Yueyue could easily believe that Han Fei was not really acting… Or rather the Han Fei before the camera was the real Han Fei.

“But this is still a serious issue. I need you to inform Director Jiang about this so that everyone will be more cautious.” The Butterfly was still out there and the madman might come after the crew so Han Fei’s warning was not unfounded.

After the lunch break, Han Fei returned to the set. His working speed could only be described as horrifying. None of the crew had encountered an actor like Han Fei before. He only needed a few minutes to memorize all the lines. During the shoot, he wasted no time to get into character. Many scenes were wrapped up with one uninterrupted shot. His every single action was meaningful. Not one frame was wasted. Soon the indoor scenes were done. Then, the crew waited around for night to fall to start the night scenes. Han Fei assumed the character the minute he was called into the scene. The shoot wrapped up at 10 pm, a lot earlier than expected. After bidding farewell to the crew, Han Fei removed his make-up and headed home.

Along the way, Han Fei did not pay much attention but when he was almost home, Han Fei noticed he was being followed again. ‘I believe it’s that paparazzi again, he takes his job seriously, I’ll give him that.’ Han Fei crossed through a garden path and when the timing was right, he scurried into hiding.

Soon, the paparazzi named Jin Jun appeared at the garden entrance. After he noticed he had lost Han Fei again, he grumbled, “Is he an actor or a police officer? Why is he so good at counter-surveillance?” Jin Jun complained for a few more minutes before he packed up to call it a day. Han Fei decided to then come out from his hiding spot to give this middle-aged man another warning. Then to Han Fei’s surprise, not long after Jin Jun left, a man wearing a grey coat, mask and low-brimmed hat slithered out from the shadow.

‘Who is this man following Jin Jun?’ The man had half of his face hidden away, only his eyes were exposed. Han Fei watched everything from the dark. He zoomed in on the pair of eyes. ‘The man’s eyes are bloodshot, he’s under a great load of pressure.’ Han Fei raked through his mind and suddenly something aligned. The man’s face shape matched the escaped killer from the toy plushie case! The family of three dismembered Ying Yue. The mother and daughter had been detained but the father was still out there.

‘Perchance he has read one of those articles and thought I’m the anonymous tipper, so he wanted to take revenge on me? But why is he tailing Jin Jun instead? Does he think Jin Jun will bring him to me?’ The man in the grey coat followed Jin Jun. Instead of calling the police, Han Fei silently shadowed the man. The game of cat and mouse resumed but who could tell who was the cat and who was the mouse.

“Yet another day wasted but I know there is a big scoop on that actor! The person who knows the crime the best is the killer himself, perhaps the actor participated in the case more than he revealed to the police. I’ve followed many celebrities before and none of them gave me the creeps like he did. He is very dangerous.” Putting away his tools, Jin Jun returned to his house, which was a rather high-end neighbourhood in the old city. After he entered the elevator, Jin Jun took out his phone to scroll through the news. “Eventually, I’ll have my scoop and it’ll be huge… Just wait and see…”

An arm suddenly shot in to stop the closing elevator doors. A man in a grey coat entered the elevator booth. Jin Jun glanced at the man and then turned back to his phone. Both of them arrived at the 6th floor. Jin Jun left the elevator while his eyes were still on his phone. After a few seconds, the man in grey coat exited the elevator as well. Malice chilled the eyes hidden under the cap brim. The man stealthily sidled up to Jin Jun. Jin Jun held his camera equipment in one hand while his other reached for the door. Just as he was about to walk in, a cold steel pressed against his neck.

“My friend, I need a favor.” A hoarse voice said. Jin Jun’s body froze. “Please don’t hurt me! I’ll give you all the money I have!”

“Shush.” The man in grey warned urgently. The knife grazed Jin Jun’s skin. “I’m a wanted man, why do you think I need your money?”

“Then, then what do you need? I will give you anything you want.”

“Get into the room first.” The man and his hostage entered the room. After the front door closed, the man in grey sighed in relief. His forehead was soaked. “You’re the one who wrote the article on the toy plushie case this afternoon, aren’t you? You said you got an exclusive from the actor where he admitted he was the one who has been helping the police solve all these recent cases.”

Hearing that, Jin Jun’s heart twisted with regret. “Brother, that was merely a blog post, a mere speculation! I am just a common reporter, this is a huge misunderstanding!”

“A common reporter?” The man took in the luxurious décor, the many intelligent furniture, the latest Perfect Life gaming hub and his gaze darkened. “Oh, then I’m sure you won’t miss this common life!” The knife pressed down further and the blood squirted. The man’s face colored with satisfaction hearing Jin Jun’s yelps of pain. “Someone has given an anonymous tip to the police regarding the toy plushie case and that person is Han Fei, isn’t it?”

“I really don’t know!”

“Stop lying to me! It’s only a matter of time until I’m captured. But before that, I’ll make sure that man pays for what he did to me. Believe me when i say I won’t mind taking a few more lives in the process!” The man kept pressing on the knife and the blood flowed. “Tell me everything you know and I might let you go.” The blood excited the man in grey. He got his kicks from tormenting Jin Jun.

However, Jin Jun was not a dummy either. He knew the man would not let him survive to tell this tale. So the only solution he had was to drag this out as long as possible and pray for a miracle. “The article was faked! The real tipper is not Han Fei, but I can bring you to the real tipper!” Jin Jun uttered as the blade pressed deeper into his flesh. If he could leave this house, he'd have the chance to cry for help.

“There’s another tipper? Do you really think I’ll fall for that? Looks like some lessons are in order before you decide to be honest with me!” The man in the grey readied the knife and aimed to plunge it into Jin Jun’s body. But at that moment, a knocking came from the door.

“Hello? Is anyone home? I need you to sign this delivery!” The sudden interruption caused the man in grey to stop.

“If you dare to make any sound, I’ll stab you to death immediately.” The man in grey hoped that by keeping silence, the delivery man would eventually leave but the latter was incredibly stubborn. The knocking became louder and louder. The man in grey needed Jin Jun to be alive to get the real identity of the tipper so he couldn’t murder Jin Jun just yet but if he allowed the deliveryman to keep knocking, it would eventually attract the attention of Jin Jun’s neighbours.

“Motherfucker, why are there so many people who are in it for me today?!” He cursed under his breath before he turned around to shout, “Just leave the stuff at the door, I’ll go take it later myself.”

Jin Jun wished to shout for help but the knife was on his neck. If he made any noise, the man would definitely slash his throat. Jin Jun’s eyes were red from tears. He prayed vehemently that the delivery man would not heed the crazy man’s order.

“Brother, your stuff is not paid yet. How am I supposed to leave them here? Please don’t waste my time! I still have other deliveries to make!” The delivery man groused. “It’s only 50 RMB! Don’t tell me you can’t afford that! Just open the door and give me the money. I’ll leave immediately after that. Do you really think I want to stay here?!”

The man in grey hesitated before he eventually pulled out a 100 RMB bill from his pocket. With the bill in his hand, the man glared viciously at Jin Jun, “I don’t want to kill you so don’t give me reason to.”

Jin Jun nodded cautiously. Then the man in grey slowly reached out to pull the front door open. But before he could slip the money out through the gap, the door was shoved open by an outside force!

The delivery man was a young man with a handsome look, and penetrating gaze. Before Jin Jun and the man in grey could react to this sudden change, the young man already lunged into the room. The sight of blood and a knife did not faze the young man. He landed a straight punch right on the bridge of the man’s nose!

The sound of bone cracking echoed inside the room. Blood oozed out from the man’s nose. His brain buzzed and then he careened backwards. ‘Huh, so this is the effect of 10 stamina points?’

The young man picked up the knife. Then he glanced at the stunned Jin Jun before extending him a helping hand. “Haven’t I told you to stop following me earlier?”


  1. --- Thanks for the chapter~ ^^.

    Nice.! It's nice to see mc the one doing the actions in pursuit, lol.

  2. Thank you for the chapter! ^^

  3. This game is something like the world behind the door. Is it possible that Han Fei is something like door pusher?

  4. @Dwarkin, I feel Han Fei is more like a guest, and the black box is like a card that lets him into every door. I feel that the victims are a better comparison to the door pushers from HoH. Just my opinion, though.

    1. I think the managers are the door pushers the ghost there are just residents like the doctors In the door of doctor gao

  5. Did Han Fei call the police before going in for the rescue?

  6. I wonder why people complained about the real world stories in the reviews, they're awesome and honestly I often like them even more, they're usually funny and show how cool the protagonist is becoming, contrasting him to people to show his abnormality. I look forward to every time he comes back from the game and hopes something fun will happen.

    It was the same in my house of horrors, I actually loved the haunted house chapters the most. When he got back and started going for comedy, to show off his exploits and scare people with his crazy haunted house and actions. I couldn't get enough of it.

    Now, what truly makes it great is the contrast and how both parts support eachother, we have the dramatic and gory serious parts that rarely have any real comedy and are tense, then we have the fun and jolly relaxed parts that lets us release that tension and laugh or smile along. That's what I truly love about this author's two novels. Let's say it was ONLY about the real world and showing off, it would quickly become boring and we don't have any build up to make it awesome, but the same issue would be present if it was only the dark world of gore, it would become boring quickly, feel a bit repetitive and there would be no release from the tension, which ends up being tiring to read.

    So, my point is that the reviewers talking about the real world sucking have no idea what they're talking about nor appreciation for how balanced this is and how it's like two novels in one, nor do they realize how tiresome it would be without these two parts interacting. At least that's the case so far, we're just past 100 chapters and there are a lot to go, so I don't know what awaits, but most reviews didn't read much more than this anyway.

    1. so true! thanks for saying this😊

  7. I have only one question. Earlier, Han Fei was described as not particularly handsome. But now he’s described as handsome. I hope the author just made a mistake on the earlier parts. Please make Han Fei handsome!!

  8. I agree @seregosa

  9. Ty for chapter
