Friday 14 May 2021

114 Our Turn to Help You


“Can you teach me how to fight?” The young man placed the cup noodle before Han Fei, he even served an extra bottle of drink and a hotdog. “This meal is on me.”

“Well, this is a first. I’ve never been treated by a high-schooler before.” Since Han Fei skipped dinner, he was indeed quite hungry.

“Thank you for helping me out earlier.” The kid sat beside Han Fei and they looked out at the street through the convenience store window.

“If you really want to thank me, then get back to school. Education might not guarantee a bright future but it can at least provide you with more opportunities and choices.” Han Fei said in a warm voice, “You are still young, your future is bright open. If you do not like this city, you can consider applying to a university far away, but to get into a good university, you have to have a good grade, which is why you need to go back to school.”

“I know but university requires tuition. I need to work because I don’t want to trouble people around me, my uncle’s family already hates me as it is…” The kid pouted as he turned to the empty street.

“Your situation qualifies you to apply for scholarships, if you work hard enough, I’m sure help will come.”

“My situation?” The kid was confused. Han Fei did not elaborate. After he finished his noodles, he went to the counter to swipe his id card to pay for the meal. “My contact number is on there. If they ever dare to come back, call me.” Han Fei then departed. As he was about to step out, Han Fei turned around to ask, “Qu Wenhou, if you can see your mother again, is there anything that you want to tell her?”

Hearing Han Fei, the kid was stunned for a long time before his head slowly lowered, “If I can see her again, I will definitely apologize to her and then give her the promise that from now on I will protect her always, so that she will never be bullied again.” When he raised his head, Han Fei had already disappeared. Dusk arrived and it was still quiet out on the streets.

The setting sun elongated Han Fei’s shadow. He stood on the opposite side of the road and studied the kid inside the store. Then with his hands in his pocket, he disappeared into the night. When he reached home, Han Fei called Huang Yin. When he met Huang Yin at the gaming con, they exchanged contact numbers. Huang Yin was glad to receive the call from Han Fei. He said that when he saw Han Fei on the news, he was so shocked. He went around the hospital, telling everyone that Han Fei was his friend. From his tone, Huang Yin sounded normal but to be safe, Han Fei made a date with the man so that they could meet up in person.

After hanging up, Han Fei practiced Li Xue’s moves again. He realized how useful they are. “I’ve already mastered the basic fighting skills, I should find Li Xue tomorrow to learn something new.” Han Fei took a shower and then settled by the table to read. He put on the gaming helmet when it was midnight. Blood covered everything and his consciousness submitted.

His eyes opened to the familiar living room. “I’ve basically completed all the missions at Apartment 1, I need to gain contact with the tenants from Apartment 2 as soon as possible.” He was about to sit up when he heard sounds coming from the kitchen.

‘Hmm? At this time, my roommates should still be inside the bedroom.’ Picking up the knife, Han Fei slithered his way to the kitchen. Wei Youfu with an almost transparent body stood at the stove next to Little Eight. The former appeared to be teaching the latter how to cook. Seeing Han Fei, Wei Youfu turned around to smile at him, “I’m teaching Little Eight some basic life skills.”

“Oh.” Han Fei was flummoxed before he gasped in shock. “Wait, you can converse normally now?”

“Yes, I’ve found my humanity, all thanks to you.” Wei Youfu coughed. “The 8 of us can combine our bodies together, the memory and pain from death can bring us power but it will also overwhelm us with despair. I gave my part of the power to others, and that is how I manage to maintain my rationality.”

“That’s impressive.” Han Fei looked at Wei Youfu before he walked over to give Wei Youfu a hug using Soul-Depth Touch. “Brother, I’ve avenged your death. Your killers have already been captured. Now I’m figuring out a way to bring all of you out of this cage, so that you can witness the criminals being punished in person!”

“You’ve already done so many things for us, we’ve already treated you like family. No matter how this concludes, we will follow you to the end.” Wei Youfu ruffled Little Eight’s hair. “All these years, none of the tenants dare to come close to 1044, but you’re the only exception. We’ve given you the chance to escape at the start but you came back again and again, that gave us hope.” Wei Youfu was in a very unique state. He looked very fragile, like a man who could collapse at any moment. Probably even Meng Si the old lady could beat him in a physical fight. However, after giving up his power, he retained his humanity. He became the only person among the 8 victims who could communicate with Han Fei.

“Youfu, is there any mission on any of you?” Han Fei asked.


“Things that you would want me to do for you.”

“There’s nothing else. We’ve already found our lost pieces. Now we only need to control the pain and despair, and we’ll all return to our true selves.”

“Then is there any long goal that you have?”

“We’ve never really considered that. But if you really need one…” Wei Youfu looked at Little Eight, “All 7 of us hope that this girl can appreciate the beauty of the human world. She was raised by a murderer. She was doomed the moment she was born. You’ve seen the cartoon on the tv right, that was everything Little Eight can remember of her life.”

“Perhaps I can bring her back to the real world in the future, to let her see the beauty of it.” Han Fei turned to Little Eight, but she quickly hid behind Wei Youfu, she was still afraid of Han Fei.

“What about you? What do you plan to do next?”

“I have become the new building manager of this apartment, I’m preparing to head over to Apartment 2. I plan to help them deal with all the non-locals and then I hope I can sit down to have a peaceful talk with them.” Han Fei did not hide anything from Wei Youfu because Wei Youfu really did feel like his family.

“Apartment 2 is very dangerous. I should go with you.” Wei Youfu then coughed a few more times. A breeze and he’d probably lift off.

“I don’t think so, I fear that you’ll be in more danger than I do.” Han Fei denied his offer. Wei Youfu though smiled, “You misunderstood me. The 8 of us can combine together into 1, when all of our hatred and resentment is gathered on Little Eight, she’ll be the scariest presence in this neighbourhood.”

“Her?” Han Fei knew Little Eight was very unique but he couldn’t see how scary she could be. So far, she had acted more like a frightened bunny around Han Fei.

“When all the despair is gathered on a single person, they will become very scary but of course, it’ll negatively impact Little Eight as well. It’s not good for her but you’ve helped us so much, it’s our turn to help you.”

When Wei Youfu said that, the innermost bedroom opened and the victims came out one after another.


  1. --- Thanks for the chapter~~ ^^

  2. Friendship!

    Also this part has a mistake:
    Wei Youfu was in a very unique state. He looked very fragile, like a man who could collapse at any moment. Probably even Meng Si the old lady could win him in a physical fight.

    “win him” should be “defeat him” or “beat him” or something like that.

  3. Ty for chapter
