Saturday 17 July 2021

190 Duel


The sharp scissor blades were stained with blood and emanated a bone-piercing hatred. Just from holding it, Han Fei felt prickly pain down his skin. It was hard to imagine that such a weapon had been stuck inside a girl’s heart. “Leave the rest to me.” Han Fei had the girl stay in her hiding place. When he exited the gym, the kindness on his face fell off to be replaced by a numb murderous intent. The man’s right arm was carved with bloody gashes, each of them representing death and intense pain. After numerous deaths and rebirths, Han Fei had forgotten many things. He lost genuine happiness and laughter, his good memories were removed. Only some names remained in his mind, names like Wei Youfu, Huang Yin and Xu Qin but he was unable to match the names to any faces. They were like strangers in Han Fei’s mind. What was forgotten was lost.

He hid the scissors inside his sleeves. Han Fei was in a state of absolute rationality. He had forgotten many things about his real life but he missed not one thing related to the manager mission. He remembered clearly each of the steps he was required to take. He found Chuxia inside the gym, obtained the scissors from her and then hurried to the school’s back entrance to meet up with Ol’ Lee. Han Fei had repeated this sequence many times so he was able to gain Ol’ Lee’s trust easily. He then separated from Ol’ Lee, each of them had their own goal to accomplish. Ol’ Lee hurried to steal the key from another guard while Han Fei ran through the education block with the horde of students to head towards the office building.

‘Ma Manjiang is probably at the hostel building now eating Jin Sheng.’ For Ma Manjiang, after he consumed Jin Sheng, Han Fei had no way of winning. Han Fei would have to encounter him to get to Jin Sheng and whenever Ma Manjiang came across Han Fei, it would be the latter’s death. At least that was what Ma Manjiang believed. While the students and staff members searched for Han Fei all over the school, Han Fei sneaked his way to the 4th floor of the office. Han Fei wanted to locate Jin Sheng’s class teacher but he was too late. Jin Sheng’s class teacher had already been murdered by Ma Manjiang. She collapsed on the ground in a pool of blood.

‘Whenever I reset the mission, I’ll start at the 2nd floor infirmary, while Ma Manjiang will start at the 4th floor teacher’s lounge. That means that he won’t be far from the female teacher…’ The bastard truly had no humanity left. He knew that the female teacher might end up helping Han Fei so he killed her beforehand.

‘I’ve reset the mission for about 10 times already, it means that the female teacher has been brutally murdered by Ma Manjiang for at least 10 times as well.’ Han Fei used his bloody fingers to remove the necklace around the woman’s neck. The necklace with Ma Manjiang’s sweet nothings was kept in Han Fei’s pocket. Among all the victims, the female teacher was the most unique. She shared a close relationship with Ma Manjiang and was a respected teacher at the school. She was well-liked by the student body, Han Fei really could have used her help. Han Fei’s plan was to bring the female teacher to the security room to watch the footage and convinced her to expose Ma Manjiang’s sin before the rest of the school. Han Fei had no idea whether her words would have any sway on the eyeless and earless students or not, but at least she would have been able to convince the parents and the other teachers to leave Han Fei alone.

The parents with the giant eyeballs literally only had their children in their eyes. After they heard about Ma Manjiang’s crimes, they would start to have second thoughts. After all, they won’t be as easily fooled as the students. Unfortunately, Ma Manjiang was able to envision any plan that Han Fei could come up with. Of all the victims, the biggest threat to Ma Manjiang was Jin Sheng’s class teacher. They were both staff members so Jin Sheng’s class teacher’s words would carry weight. Therefore, Ma Manjiang did not hesitate to kill her to keep her silent. ‘The only people he can trust have been picked off one by one, that was the exact despair Jin Sheng has once experienced.’

Since the students were all around the school looking for Han Fei, the education block was a lot quieter than usual. With his passive skill, Hide and Seek, Han Fei safely found his way to the infirmary. He stared into the thick grey fog with cold eyes. ‘Ma Manjiang will go after the female teacher the moment the mission resets. He has no mercy and is extremely cunning. If he fails to find me, then he’ll make the other victims his target, he will kill all the people who might threaten him at this school.’

Feeling the scissors in his pocket and the hatred that radiated off it, Han Fei knew he could not drag this out anymore. He had already forgotten many things, if he continued to die, he would be lost here forever and become one of Ma Manjiang’s mindless puppets in Yi Ming Private Academy. Han Fei sneaked out from the infirmary. Since he had memorized the routes of some students and parents, Han Fei evaded them while he cruised through the bushes to find the injured Wild Hound, Zhang Guanxing. After applying a simple bandage on Zhang Guanxing, he led him to the front gate of the school.

Ol’ Lee with his good-naturedness managed to borrow the key from the other guard and tricked him to go on the patrol. During the whole process, the other guard did not question Ol’ Lee at all. Han Fei had Ol’ Lee open the front gate but they did not leave.

Han Fei put Ma Manjiang’s necklace around Zhang Guanxing’s neck. During his previous few loops, Han Fei realized that Ma Manjiang would be able to pick up the scent of the necklace whenever he was within several metres of it. Han Fei wanted to make use of this point to distract Ma Manjiang. After all the preparation was done, Han Fei led Ol’ Lee and Zhang Guanxing towards the hostel building. The time had come.

Jin Sheng was inside Ma Manjiang’s stomach so to clear this mission, Han Fei had to first slice open Ma Manjiang’s stomach. For now, the only advantage Han Fei had was that Ma Manjiang had no idea Han Fei had a pair of scissors which could injure him. Overconfidence on Ma Manjiang’s part would benefit Han Fei. Climbing the anti-theft net, Han Fei’s group entered Room 206.

A light smell of blood lingered in the air. When Han Fei pushed open the bedroom door, a shriek echoed down the corridor. He instantly turned to look. Ma Manjiang’s sons were beating up the hostel manager near the mouth of the 2nd floor staircase. There was blood everywhere as they dragged the poor screaming woman down the stairs. ‘Ma Manjiang’s sons and the hostel manager will be on the 1st floor, so there’s a high chance Ma Manjiang is still on the 2nd floor but there’s no telling which room he’d be in.’

Ma Manjiang usually hid inside Room 204, but with his cunningness, he would switch around with each reset. Han Fei eased the door open and released Zhang Guanxing with the necklace out from the room. He signalled for the dog to go down the corridor.

The naïve Zhang Guanxing followed his order. He turned and raced down the corridor. When he was about 1 metre away from Room 206, the door to Room 205 suddenly shoved open!

Two wiry arms reached for Zhang Guanxing and then Ma Manjiang’s horrible face loomed inside the corridor. This time he hid inside Room 205, just right next door to Han Fei!

Both parties saw each other. Ma Manjiang’s 3 mouths dripped with blood. The shreds of the female teacher’s clothes were still stuck between the jaws. He growled and then charged madly at Han Fei!


  1. Ty for chapter

  2. Seems too easy for an F rank manager mission with artificially increased difficulty. I wonder what countermeasures the butterfly has against the scissors.

    Reminder: he needed 45 deaths to beat rank G manager mission before. That was not in a hidden map and without negative outside influence.

    1. if you think about it, han fei has majorly improved since the last manager mission and in the first one he basically did not have any knowledge of what the situation was in the former managers childhood, but in this one he has done lots of investigation into the school to he has information on his side. I feel like maybe he's become better at, well, "surviving" in this world along with the fact he knows the butterfly also remembers so he naturally might be more careful. he's increased his stats, skills, and cunningness haha since the last one

    2. like imagine he didnt know who he could trust or that the scissor girl was even hiding in that building, he would def die so many more times
