Saturday 10 September 2022

582 Three Children Three Mothers


Han Fei noticed this when he came to work this morning. “Cao Lingling’s blood didn’t seep through the mattress, so the blood can’t be hers.”

The police told Han Fei to back off. They used professional tools to take the blood sample and then checked the surveillance again.

“Three male employees disappeared for no reason. The only female witness was scared witless and was attacked at the hospital. This case is more complicated than it looks.” Han Fei followed the police. Even though he was in a caretaker uniform, he fitted right into the police force.

“The city is also getting more lawless. Du Zhu was kidnapped, the downtown gangs were fighting, even employees at the company had gone missing.” Zhao Qian had a bad feeling.

“It feels like this is just the calm before the storm.” Han Fei looked worried. Based on his action, no one could tell he was the source of all this chaos. Han Fei suggested the kidnapping of Du Zhu, and he urged the downtown gangs to fight. His ex-wife was responsible for the missing employees. Han Fei knew the killer and could call her over with his phone. Han Fei was willing to help the police because he knew the killer.

“Officers, Cao Lingling is the only survivor. If the killer knows she is still alive, they might come after him. I suggest you add more people to protect her.” Han Fei didn’t know if the police were reliable in Fu Sheng’s memory world, but it was better to side with them than not. Han Fei also felt better if the police were around the hospital at night. Han Fei cooperated fully with the police. He could temporarily avoid Lee Guo Er and Love but not Zhao Qian.

Lee Guo Er and Love stayed in Cao Lingling’s ward. They were not worried. Lee Guo Er planned to stay as Cao Lingling’s best friend, and Love was the hospital’s VIP. She could be anywhere she wanted. The two women didn’t leave. They had a feeling that more people would gather at the hospital.

At 10 am, Han Fei joined the police in the security room. The security room was in the first-floor basement. It was a combination of three rooms. It was filled with monitors and devices. Four guards took turns to be on duty so that the security was available 24 hours. Han Fei looked at the many monitors. Each monitor represented a camera. Other than the corridor corners, safety passage, and doors, many heavy-case wards had cameras. They would watch the heavy-case patients constantly.

“The police have been here in the morning. No one had gone into Cao Lingling’s ward.” The guard with the surname Si stood before the monitors and pulled up the footage. “We don’t have cameras inside the wards to preserve the patient’s privacy. However, there is a camera right outside her room.”

Building One at midnight was deserted. Ah Gou left the ward at 0.59 am. After Ah Gou left, the door opened and closed on its own.

“Is that the wind?” Han Fei tried to use Ghost Eyes. His eyes watered, and he leaned forward. The monitors turned into twisted faces. The whole security room was blood red. The walls bled. The wires became tiny blood vessels. They constricted and pulsed. Han Fei stood there with the masterful acting switched on. The police beside him hadn’t changed. As Han Fei turned towards the security, a dead man’s hand landed on his shoulder. The tears in his eyes disappeared. Han Fei looked at the hand’s owner. Guard Si held his shoulder and said, “We will cooperate with you. Ah Gou has wandered off somewhere, but if you need anything, you can have Fu Yi come find us.”

The police ignored the guard. They started to look at the other hospital cameras. Han Fei helped. At noon, the police received an emergency call to get to the countryside theme park. Only Fang Changcheng and Zhang Yue were left at the hospital. Han Fei frowned when he heard that. If the police managed to save Du Zhu, his situation would worsen!

The only good thing was the police didn’t sound like they knew Du Zhu was inside the theme park. They merely noticed a suspect had been to a convenience store near the theme park. The police’s new mission gave Han Fei a lot of pressure, and he knew he had to make his move soon.

‘My three days trial period is almost over. After that, I won’t have this freedom anymore. I might start to lose my memory like Zhang Zhuangzhuang.” Han Fei glanced beside him. Zhao Qian was still scanning the monitors, and she was more serious than the police. The company was dying, and many employees had quit. No one dared even to use the toilet alone.

“CEO Zhao, I’ll go first.” Han Fei memorized the location of all the cameras. He planned to find Zhang Zhuangzhuang to infiltrate the other buildings that night.

“Go ahead.” Zhao Qian said without lifting her head. “If those two give you trouble, you can call me.”

Han Fei smiled awkwardly before running out of the security room. He called Zhang Zhuangzhuang on his walkie-talkie. The man was waiting for a food delivery outside Building One. Han Fei told the man his plan. He would pretend to leave the hospital and then infiltrate Building Five with Zhang Zhuangzhuang. Zhang Zhuangzhuang said no initially, but he was worn down by Han Fei’s persuasion and determination. He saw his past self on Han Fei. They were caretakers at the hospital for their family and friends. Han Fei used 20 minutes to persuade Zhang Zhuangzhuang. To his surprise, he gained another friendliness point with Zhang Zhuangzhuang. As they started to plan, Zhang Zhuangzhuang’s food arrived. “Come, let’s go grab the delivery. The delivery person should be at the gate.”

“Why did you order a delivery today? Don’t you normally frequent the stalls outside the hospital?” Han Fei asked.

“The stalls have all been chased away. The hospital is forcing us to eat at the canteen.” Zhang Zhuangzhuang whispered, “I suspect they have added something in the food, like meat you haven’t tasted before.”

“Stop that. I plan to bring my own food from now on.” Han Fei and Zhang Zhuangzhuang walked towards the gate. Han Fei looked at the delivery person, and the delivery person looked back at him.

“Why are you here?” The female netizen took the food out of her motorcycle trunk. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

Han Fei was shocked too. “Aren’t you a waitress?”

“Our shop provides delivery service. The staff delivers the order to save cost.” The girl saw the uniform Han Fei was wearing. Her eyes had complicated emotions. She didn’t plan to see Han Fei again. “Are… you feeling better?”

“I’m fine.” Han Fei and the girl stood opposite each other. Zhang Zhuangzhuang stood in the middle. His head turned left and right. It was like the other two couldn’t see him. Zhang Zhuangzhuang coughed and said, “Is my food with you?”

“I don’t want to bring up the past again. Take care of yourself, and I hope you’ll be happy in the time you have left.” The girl handed the food to Zhang Zhuangzhuang. Then she rode her bike and left.

“Is that your girlfriend?” Zhang Zhuangzhuang held the food. “She is so young.”

Han Fei stared at the girl. He thought this was too coincidental. Certain tragedies had been avoided, but fate was still trying to push everything back to its expected trajectory.

‘The hospital attracts everyone related to Fu Sheng and his father…’ Images flashed in Han Fei’s mind. The cover of his horror game was a bastard being served on the dining table. He used his own death to atone for his sins; inside the hospital, there was a surgical table called Aphrodite’s Table. Everyone who wanted to be beautiful would be served on it; Underneath Starry Art Hotel, there was a big iron table ready with torture devices.

‘I need to make my move tonight. I need to turn the hospital upside down before my trial period is up. Speaking of, how can the hospital still be fine? Is the hospital not related to Shen Luo’s disappearance? Technically, if a company hired both Shen Luo and me, the company should be in trouble.’

Han Fei was thinking when the fat nurse shouted on the walkie-talkie. “Fu Yi! Are you there? Come to the second-floor VIP room! Someone is looking for you! Just how popular are you anyway?”

“Coming.” Han Fei didn’t have time to eat. He glanced at Zhang Zhuangzhuang. “Are you normally this busy?”

“That has never happened to me.” Zhang Zhuangzhuang gave Han Fei a piece of meat. “I’ll go with you. You need to eat something.” Han Fei finished the meat. Zhang Zhuangzhuang and Han Fei arrived on the second floor.

Han Fei walked out of the elevator. Before he even saw who it was, he heard a young voice call, Daddy!

Han Fei shivered as he turned around. A mother was pushing a wheelchair with a very cute girl sitting in it. “I told you it’s not a repeated name!” The girl was very happy. A thin blanket covered her legs. Her face was pale, but her eyes were bright.

“You, you have a daughter? But what about the girlfriend from earlier?” Zhang Zhuangzhuang was not married. He was confused by all these.

Han Fei ignored Zhang Zhuangzhuang. He walked to the girl and knelt beside the wheelchair. “Fu Yee, why are you here? Haven’t I told you to find a professional doctor?”

“The illness is progressing too quickly. Fu Yee couldn’t even move anymore, and she fainted once.” Fu Yee’s mother said. “We have been to the other hospital, but they can’t help us.”

“Okay.” Han Fei rubbed Fu Yee’s head gently. Fu Yi had killed Fu Yee. Han Fei decided to make up to the girl. “I will look after you.”

Fu Yee’s mother still didn’t know what that meant. She saw Fu Yi wearing the caretaker uniform. A few days ago, Fu Yi was a team manager at a big company. He was always in a suit and tie. In a few days, he lost his job and house. He was criticized and had to do horrible jobs that he wouldn’t do in the past.

“Fu Yee saw your name, but I thought it wouldn’t be you.” Fu Yee’s mother turned to the fat nurse. “Can we make a request?”

“Of course! You are Doctor Du Zhu’s special guest. She told us to arrange for you the best VIP room when you are here. That shows how much she cares about you!” The fat nurse thought Fu Yee and her mother was Du Zhu’s friend. She didn’t know Du Zhu did all these to have Fu Yi destroy his daughter.

“We don’t need the VIP room.” Fu Yee’s mother didn’t want to take advantage of Du Zhu. “I only have one request. I hope Fu Yi can look after my child. I don’t think that’s the best choice, but the child wants her father.” Fu Yee was happiest, and she looked at the fat nurse with anticipation.

“You also want him to be your personal caretaker?” The fat nurse smiled sadly. She thought Fu Yi was handsome. She didn’t expect him to be so popular.

“Can we?”

“You are Doctor Du Zhu’s friend, so you have the first privilege.” The fat nurse told the others on the walkie-talkie before turning to Fu Yee’s mother. “He can’t be your personal caretaker, but I’ll have him look after you more often. We’ll also assign caretakers from other buildings to assist you.”

“No, I only want Daddy!” Fu Yee only cared about Han Fei.

Han Fei knelt beside the wheelchair. When Fu Yee called him daddy, his hand went to his chest. ‘The curse is not triggered? Is the doll stunned?’

Han Fei sighed. This was only the beginning. He had three children, and they had different mothers.


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  1. So, the doll is also a surveillance tool for xu qin? Seems she's a bit pissed that he has all of these women around him, haha.

    1. Just waiting for him to get out of this memory world . And see how the yandere strikes at night

  2. O man is he going to have a lot of explaining to do to Xu Qin.
    I'm hoping the arc is reaching its climax now -the family moments were great but I'm starting to run out of tolerance for the yandere harem parts.

    Thanks LonelyTree!

  3. The doll is all out of f*cks left to give xD
