Monday 19 September 2022

591 Big Sister

The doctor’s lips parted to reveal the jagged teeth underneath. The doctor’s face tore open almost fully as the mouth bit at Han Fei!

Han Fei wasn’t fazed. He faced it head-on. With Rest in Peace, he dared to challenge Pure Hatreds. The glowing blade swung. The ugly doctor sensed the danger at the last moment and immediately jumped back. Rest in Peace cut off one of his ‘lips’ and left a bloody gash on his face.

The doctor held his deformed face. His eyes were red as he stared at the fleshy lip on the ground. It was like a flower petal made from human flesh.

“You will die!” The doctor pulled out two bloody scalpels. “I will make all of you look just like me! Then the perfect people will be in the minority! The minority is the patients!”

The doctor moved very fast. Han Fei was shocked. He aimed at the doctor’s neck, and he managed to evade it at the last moment. Han Fei came to a decision instantly, “We better get to the fourth floor first!” The doctor before them was disguised by a patient at the cheilopalatoschisis center. Han Fei’s solution was to attract the attention of the real ‘doctors’ to deal with this fake patient. Worm carried Du Jing up the stairs. He didn’t dare to waste time earned by Han Fei with his life.

“None of you are getting away!” The doctor was mad. He held the two scalpels and was insanely fast. He was like a beast lurking in the dark, aiming to kill everything alive. To protect Du Jing and Worm, Han Fei stayed behind to slow down the doctor. The doctor was crazy. The scalpels aimed at Han Fei’s face to carve it like a pumpkin. For most actors, the face was their most important asset. However, Han Fei was an exception. He started to wonder how to make use of this attack pattern. If he was given another chance to strike the doctor, Rest in Peace would make short work of him. The doctor was an extremely aggressive madman, Han Fei was an extremely calm madman, and both had experienced the darkest despair.

“Han Fei, be careful!” Worm’s scream came from the third-floor landing. Han Fei didn’t turn to look but jumped up several steps. The step that he had occupied earlier was covered in an almost transparent yellow-orange sticky liquid.

“This came from upstairs?” Han Fei didn’t dare to get too distracted. He glanced at the thing from the corner of his eyes. He noticed the liquid was leaking through the gap in the stairwell. It was very disgusting. Han Fei was afraid of being cornered by two monsters. He canceled the idea of trading injuries with the doctor and ran upstairs. The doctor didn’t let them be. He chased after them, swearing to turn Han Fei into something that looked like him.

They soon arrived on the third floor. The floor was covered in the disgusting yellow liquid. At some places, the liquid was almost clear, but at other places, it had coagulated into something solid. It looked revolting.

“What is this?” The liquid stuck to their shoes. Worm almost tripped. He grabbed the banister, and his fingers touched the liquid. “It’s very slimy. It feels like lard.” Worm’s fingers felt numb. At first, it was quite comforting, but then he was soon alerted. The clear liquid seeped through the skin, and his fingers bloated to 1/4th their usual size. “Brother Han, my hand is poisoned!”

“If it can’t be cured, then chop off the hand! Don’t let the poison spread!” Han Fei answered. As he fended off the crazy doctor, he looked around. All the liquid came from the body sculpting and liposuction center on the third floor. The door was left half-open too. They were being chased by the doctor with split lips, so they didn’t have the chance to examine the place closer.

They continued to run to the fourth floor. “Is Doctor Zhang Xi on this floor?” As they arrived, Han Fei was already feeling exhausted. As the world mutated, the doctor also became faster. The scarier thing was the man’s scalpels were imbued with an unknown curse. A cut from it and the victim would slow down. Han Fei found the doctor getting harder to deal with. To make matters worse, whenever the danger reached its height, his skull would thump with pain. Fu Yi had returned.

“We’re almost there. My former ward is in front! Doctor Zhang is normally working inside the lab in the middle of the corridor!” The mutation at the hospital was serious. The pale light twisted the corridor. The corridor looked short, but actually, the distance between each room was very large. Han Fei’s group ran until they finally reached the center of the fourth-floor corridor. A unique lab sat here—Cosmetic Psychology Consultation Center.

The lab was huge. This line was written outside the wall—Beauty was more than just outer beauty. It also involves inner beauty and one’s ability to adapt to societal life. We need to reject the blind pursuit of the beauty that will injure and harm.

The sentence was positive, but every word was written in blood. It sounded like a mockery.

“Han Fei, are you sure we’re going in?” Worm carried Du Jing. He looked at the bloody message and shivered. Han Fei didn’t have time for Worm. When they retreated to the lab door, he kicked Worm into the lab. Then, he also slithered into the lab and closed the door.

“You can’t escape! I will make you into me!” The doctor stabbed his scalpels on the door. Han Fei’s chest rose and fell.

“Doctor Zhang should be inside this lab.” Du Jing held the wall as she slowly approached the inner room of the lab. As she got close, she heard a female voice coming from inside.

“Yours is a psychological problem. It’s called body dysmorphic disorder. It’ll make you become overly concerned with your physical deficiency.” The woman’s voice was mature and melodic. She invoked trust in others.

“Finally, there is someone normal.” Worm heard the doctor who was conducting a consultation.

“Don’t let your guard down.” Han Fei looked at the shaking lab door. The doctor might cut through the door anytime soon.

“Doctor Zhang Xi is normal most of the time.” Du Jing knocked on the inner uncertainly.

“Come in.” After getting Doctor Zhang’s permission, Du Jing opened the inner door. A female doctor was sitting beside the clean office table. Opposite her was a patient.

“Are you looking for me?” The female doctor looked and sounded normal. She appeared to be spared by the mutation. Du Jing sighed in relief. She was about to walk in when Han Fei stopped her.

“Don’t go in just yet. Look at the patient.” The patient opposite the female doctor kept shaking. Two seconds later, his body crumbled like building blocks. But the strange thing was he was still alive even after all that.

“You must be here for counseling too.” Doctor Zhang didn’t seem to notice the patient opposite her. She held her chin and studied Du Jing. She muttered to herself, “How are you faring with your fake leg? You must be tormented by pain. This is body dysmorphic disorder, so you need treatment immediately.” “Doctor Zhang, compared to that, I am more concerned about my daughter.” Du Jing said softly, but Doctor Zhang ignored her. Doctor Zhang turned to Worm. “You care too much about other people’s opinions, and you’d evade them. You suffer from body dysmorphic disorder and need immediate treatment.”

Initially, Worm thought the doctor was normal, but he had a second opinion now. Strangely enough, everyone had body dysmorphic disorder in Doctor Zhang Xi’s eyes. “This is weird.” Worm pressed on his bloated fingers and stepped back. However, there was another crazy doctor outside the door. There was no place to run. Zhang Xi’s eyes moved away from Worm and her beautiful brows knotted when she saw Han Fei. “You are in a constant state of self-contradiction. These are classic symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder. There is something about yourself that you want to change.” Putting down the pen, Doctor Zhang Xi stood up. Her upper body was white, but her lower body was covered in blood. She was like a bloody angel.

“The human desire for beauty came from a yearning for safety, belonging, love, respect, and self-actualization.” Doctor Zhang Xi pulled out her drawer to retrieve a glowing scalpel. She looked at Han Fei gently. “No matter your yearning, I will satisfy you so that you can be the better version of yourself.”

When Zhang Xi spoke, Han Fei realized he couldn’t move his body anymore. Zhang Xi’s voice had the power to control her victims’ flesh and blood!

“What terrifying power is this?” Before Han Fei could do anything, Zhang Xi already loomed before him. The bloody doctor’s coat expressed a cruel beauty.

“The letter!” Han Fei opened his mouth, but he couldn’t speak.

“You are close to perfection but not perfect enough.” Zhang Xi’s scalpel approached Han Fei’s face. She was about to make an incision when a blood-red doll crawled out of Han Fei’s collar, holding a wrinkled letter. The doll opened the letter and showed it to Zhang Xi. The blood on the coat dripped. The scalpel stopped before Han Fei’s eyes.

Zhang Xi read the letter, and then her face twisted like she was in great pain. Han Fei took a deep breath and realized he could control his body again. He immediately pulled away from Zhang Xi. Compared to Zhang Xi, the doctor outside appeared cuter.

“I’m your brother’s best friend. He told me to give this letter to you.” Han Fei switched on masterful acting. He also used Cursed Words. “He said he had forgotten many things but he would never forget his big sister. He knows you have been protecting him.”


  1. Thanks for the translation 👍

  2. Aiya it's time for Han Fei, the 'comedy' actor to roleplay! Thankyou, Lonelytree~!💛

  3. *somebody lying on the ground bleeding to death*

    Zhang Xi: I diagnose you with body dysmorphic disorder
